Bed Making Teresa V. Hurley, MSN, RN
Unoccupied Bed Unoccupied Bed Client is able to get out of bed (OOB). Assess: inspect bed for bodily fluids or secretions Yes: use disposable gloves -inspect to see if client left anything What might they have left in the bed?
Unoccupied Bed Eye glasses Hearing aides Religious objects Dentures Reading materials Pens, pencils Food stashes Radios, C/D players Stuffed animals and toys Smoking materials Prescribed Medication Illegal drugs Dirty tissues
Unoccupied Bed Check to see what linens you might need:large sheets, draw sheet, blanket, bedspread, pillow cases, linen bag/plastic, protective pad Adjust height of bed to waist level Put side-rails down and disconnect any thing attached to the linens Loosen all linen Fold reusable linens Roll up soiled linen into bottom sheet and put in linen bag/plastic
Unoccupied Bed Work from one side to another and from top to bottom Tuck sheets tightly Seams side down/bottom sheet and seams side up on top sheet Top covers are fan-folded down in a hospital Attach call light Bed to ground position Side rails down or one left up
Occupied Bed Outcome for this project Nurse and client do not sustain an injury Check chart for client activity in MD Orders Wash hands Assemble Equipment Check if you need help! Do not injure yourself!
Occupied Bed Place head of bed (HOB) flat unless contra-indicated (GT) Work from top to bottom and from one side to another
Unexpected Situations What would you do if: fecal material is on dirty linens? client if SOB?