Sixth-grade Camp 2013
Camp 2013 Memorial 6 th graders will be divided into two groups to go to camp, according to their team assignment and science teacher: Week 1 (September 25-27) Team 1000 Mrs. Print for Science Week 2 (October 2-4) Team 2000 Mrs. Mociolek for Science
Where Hiram House Camp is located on Hiram Trail in Moreland Hills, Ohio. It is about a 40 minute bus ride from Memorial.
Classes Boating Wilderness Survival Archery Nature awareness Orienteering Challenge Course (Ropes Course)
Cabins and Counselors The counselors are a combination of Mentor High School students and parent volunteers who have been through background checks and a screening process before being selected. Your child will stay in a cabin with approximately 25 other students, 1 parent counselor, and 1 high school counselor.
Some Items On the Menu Breakfast: scrambled eggs, pancakes, french toast sticks, cereal Lunch: toasted cheese, chicken patty, hot dog, mac and cheese, soup Dinner: Baked chicken, rigatoni, pizza, salad bar Beverages: milk, juice, hot chocolate, punch, water Snacks: brownies, rice krispie squares, cookies, pretzels, ice cream cups
Camp supplies Clothing : camp T-shirt, jeans, sweatpants, shirts, 7 pairs of socks, tennis shoes, boots, rain poncho, jacket Personal Items : Soap, toothbrush/toothpaste, hair brush/comb, shampoo, towel, pillow, blanket/sleeping bag, etc. Misc. : Clipboard, pencil/pen, permanent marker, book to read, mail supplies, etc. Things not allowed : Curling irons, electronics of any kind, cell phones, food/candy/gum, shaving cream/razors.
Mail Students love to receive mail at camp. In order for them to receive it, mail it no later than Monday of the week we are there, or better yet, mail it the week before. Please address your child’s mail as shown here: Camper’s Name c/o Hiram House Camp Hiram Trail Moreland Hills, Ohio 44022
Misc There is no parent visitation permitted at camp nor phone calls to your child. (Cell phones are not allowed) Please do not send food, candy, or gum with your child or in any mailings to him/her. Children do not need to bring any money or dress clothes to camp.
Cost The cost is $90.00 This can be paid on Card Campus OR by check to Mentor Schools. Money must be paid before the child leaves for camp.
Luggage Pack: all clothing in one suitcase OR one duffle bag. Bring: a bed roll (sleeping bag/blanket, pillow,) Sheets optional Label: everything clearly with child’s first and last names! Limits: child should only bring what he/she can carry
Departure Day Arrive: at Memorial Middle School between 6:45 & 7:00 A.M. the morning of Wednesday, September 25th or Wednesday, October 2nd Load: equipment directly on to the Mentor Schools’ equipment truck located on the NORTH side of the building (back of the building). Luggage truck leaves Memorial at 7:00! Students Report: to the MMS Auditorium Departure: at 7:30 A.M. sharp! Students will be transported to & from Hiram House Camp by a Mentor School bus
Return Time: Approximately 1:00 P.M. Friday, September 27th or Friday, October 4 th. Where: in the BACK of Memorial School! Parking is tight and the luggage can be picked up prior to the students arriving, after12:30 P.M. How: You, or your designee, will pick up your child and drive him/her home. Be sure to complete the permission form stating who will be picking up your child.
Forms for camp There are at least 4 forms that must be completed for every camper, and more for those needing medication while at camp. Turn completed forms (except medication forms) in to your student’s Science Teacher ASAP. All forms can be accessed by: Memorial School Website Activities tab 6 th grade camp
Medication All medication must be turned into the MMS School Nurse (Mrs. Weber) on the Thursday before leaving for camp. All medication, (including OTC meds), must be in the original container and must have the appropriate forms signed by a physician. Medication forms and meds should be in a labeled (child’s first and last name) plastic bag. If you have questions pertaining to medication please Mrs. Weber or call MMS prior to camp! ABSOLUTELY NO medications should be carried by the student or packed in the student’s luggage.
Emergencies In the event that your child is hurt during our stay at camp, and it is determined that your child needs more medical attention than can be provided by the camp nurse, your child will be transported by appropriate means to Hillcrest Hospital. Phone number at camp in the event of an emergency at home is (216) This number is for emergencies only! Please, do not call to “check” on your child.
Showers Campers will have the opportunity to shower at least once a day or more if needed! While showers have private stalls, they may bring a bathing suit to shower in if they would like.
Discipline Safety is our number one concern! Any student who poses a threat to his, or another camper’s safety, or has disciplinary problems, may, at the discretion of the facilitator, be required to leave camp without a refund. Parents would be responsible to provide transportation home. Mentor Public Schools code of conduct is enforced at all times.
Not going to camp? Any student not attending the Mentor Schools Outdoor Education Program (camp) for any reason other than illness, will be required to be in attendance at Memorial Middle School and will be placed in an appropriate setting for the duration of the camp program. Please inform us ASAP if your child will not be attending!
Where are those forms again? Questions? Please contact for September 25 th Week: Mrs. Print: Please contact for October 2 nd Week: Mrs. Parker: