The Coastal Ranges of Washington and Oregon Yao Yao and Tyler Szwarc
Part of the Pacific Coast Ranges Three Geographic Areas: Olympic Mountains, Willapa Hills, Oregon Coast Ranges Precipitation inches Temperature 32F-53F
Depth (km) StructureV P-Wave (km/s) 1-3Near Surface Crust Upper/Middle Crust Lower Crust7 45Moho
Physical Characteristics Elevation ranges from sea level to 1248 m (Marys Peak) Average elevation is 460 m Bedrock geology primarily consists of pillow lavas and basalt flows PG/800px-OregonCoastRangeRocks.JPG
Late Cretaceous (66 Ma) Late Eocene (36 Ma) Present Day Pillow Lavas (Purple) Basalt (Red) 500 km North South