Ten Top Tips for Better Accessibility Jenifer Littman – Associate Consultant – Tourism for All UK
World Class = Accessible 11m in the UK have a condition recognised by the Equality Act – that’s almost 1 in 5.* *Taking Part Survey 2007/8 They have an annual spend of at least £50 billion. By 2025, more than a third of the UK’s population will be over the age of 55, with a corresponding increase in hearing, visual and mobility impairment Visitors from the US, where 20% of the population has a disability, have high expectations of accessibility. There are 124 million disabled people in Europe – plus older people with their families. World class events must be accessible
This is about the art of the possible – the legislation asks that you take ‘reasonable steps’ to removal of barriers. Think through the visitor journey. Improving your accessibility is an investment that may be very inexpensive and will repay itself REMEMBER – ITS NOT JUST ABOUT WHEELCHAIRS! See ‘Easy Ways to Win’ by VisitEngland for a host of tips. Also Here are MY Top Tips: PROVIDING ACCESSIBLE FACILITIES
Tip No I: Clutter Free (and don’t move things) Westward Living
Vibrating pillow alarm Flashing light alarm Toilet/bathroom emergency cord Ensure all controls are reachable Tip No 2: Alarms that work for different people
Tip No. 3: Good signage
No. 4: Helpful bits of kit
Large print menus and information sheets Good contrast (Avoid all white toilets/bathrooms. Provide coloured towels for use with white furniture) Good lighting where needed Nosings on stairs No 5: Good Visibility
Tip No 6: Adjustable heights – from kitchen tops to sinks to bed-raisers A Little Bit of Heaven
How to greet or guide a disabled person How to help a person with limited hearing What not to do Make people feel welcome Check the wording you use ‘Welcome All’ training Tourism for All online training - Courses.htmlhttp:// Courses.html No.7: Have some training
Create an access statement Online tool on VisitEngland Scandic/Special-needs/ Scandic/Special-needs/ Check the accessibility of your website Include access information on your website Use correct terminology (accessible toilet, not disabled toilet) etc No.8: Provide accurate information
As well as your own facility make sure that you can offer other useful information to guests: Accessible transport to get to you (car hire, accessible taxis, public transport) Accessible parking Accessible places to visit, stay, shop, eat and drink Accessible activities Provide MORE information
Getting out and about…
“I always find out essential information such as level access and availability of cabs before I go anywhere, mainly via the internet” * * Access to tourism: disabled people’s views 2012 If you have good facilities, shout about it! Don’t let them go to waste. Enter the awards schemes OpenBritain website brings together accessibility information in one place and is linked to VisitEngland, Virgin Air, MS Society and more No.9: Market your accessible facility
No 10: Offer Great Customer Service Many access issues can be overcome with great customer service Thinking through your offering from a different perspective will always lead you to become a better provider Its not just about ‘them’ – its about You You too may one day need a little extra care!!