Culture Shock: International Know-How
3 Pieces of Advice 1) Do you or someone you know have friends in prospective country?
2) Check local news at 3 Pieces of Advice
Breath in, Breath out 1. Take 5 deep breaths through your nose, releasing through your mouth. Each time you take a breath, imagine that you are sinking into your seat. 2. Squeeze your face into a knot and hold for several seconds. Release and feel your face and jaw drop. 3. Bring down your chin to your chest, stretching the back of your neck muscles, hold for several counts while taking deep breaths. 4. Shrug your shoulder muscles for several seconds, allow them to relax. Breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. 5. Tense up your right hand, release and notice how it feels warm as it relaxes. 6. Tense up your right arm, release and notice how it slowly gets more and more relaxed. 7. Do the same with your left arm while taking deep breaths.
Traveling Overseas Before the Flight Reserve a window seat Sleep as little as possible Eat a full meal before boarding the flight Snacks for the audition For the Flight Do not wake up for dinner (ask attendant to let you sleep) Use a travel pillow Several bags of herbal tea Computer or tablet of things you’ve already seen Tylenol pm
Are Auditions a Universal Language?
Swedish Phrases Mamaledigt/Papaledigt: required time off in Sweden, while making 80% salary, after having or adopting a baby; one parents receives 390 days and the other up to 6 months. This time may be used until the child is 8 years old. Orkesterprov: orchestra sample or test; A final round where a candidate plays through major excerpts in the orchestra Provspelning: audition Provår: trial year Sjukhuset: literally “sick house”, this is the word for hospital. The combination of “sju” is very common in Swedish Stämledare: section leader
Jantelagen You’re not to think you are anything special You’re not to think you are as good as us You’re not to think you are as smart as us You’re not to convince yourself that you are better than us You’re not to think you are more important than us You’re not to think you are good at anything You’re not to laugh at us You’re not to think anyone cares about you You’re not to think you can teach us anything