American Legends 5.1.2
A legend is a story passed down from generation to generation and is popularly accepted as historical. Can you think of some American legends you've heard? What do many legends have in common?
ad - ver - tise - ment An advertisement on T.V. is called a commercial.
advertisement = a notice or announcement to sell a product noun Spanish = anuncio
com - menc - ed The students commenced the exam when the teacher said " You may begin your test."
commenced = started verb (clue: words ending in -ed and -ing are action words) Spanish = comenzar
e - lec - ted President Obama was the first African American man to be elected president.
elected = chosen verb Spanish = elegido
fire - ball Objects that fall into our atmosphere from space move so quickly they turn into a luminous fireball.
fireball = a ball of fire noun The word fireball is a compound word like: football basketball rainbow or cowboy Can you think of some other compound words?
im - press While trying to impress his dance partner Max twisted his ankle and took a nose dive.
impress = show off or make an effect on
o - ri - gi - nal The original American flag had only thirteen stars representing the original thirteen colonies.
original = new or the very first created adj Spanish = original
saun - ter - ed The tall lubmerjack sauntered over to the towering tree.
sauntered = walked slowly verb Some synonyms for saunter are: stroll meander ramble rove mosey amble Spanish = paseo
wring She had to wring out her towel before hanging it back up on the towel rack.
wring = to squeeze or twist verb Wring is an irregular verb like sing: sing, sang, sung ring, rang, rung sink, sank, sunk drink, drank, drunk and so wring and wrung or fling and flung Spanish = retorcer
ex - ag - ger -ate
exaggerate = make something bigger than it is verb A common word for an exaggeration is a tall tale or a fish story A fancy literary word for an exaggeration is a hyperbole Spanish = exagerar, axageracion
Hyperbole Arizona Weather Well, some folks don't like the weather in Arizona, but I ain't one of 'em. Why, the air in Arizona is so fine, tourists stop over the state line just to fill their tires with it. Course, Arizona does get rather hot. But since we started shippin' in ice from California, our hens don't lay hard boiled eggs no more.
features = charecteristics noun Spanish = caracteristica
super - human Superman had superhuman strength.
superhuman = more than human adj Super is a prefix. It mean above or more than like: superman Spanish = sobrehumano