Journal #1 8/25 1. What is true happiness? 2. How do you know if someone is truly happy? 3. Some people believe religion, possessions, companionship, or food lead to happiness. In your opinion, can these things make someone really happy? Is it possible to be happy without any of these things? Why or why not? Back up your answer.
Journal #2 In your own words define words 1-5. You may need to look them up again to really understand what they mean Using all 5 words correctly, write a paragraph about someone special to you.
Journal #3 Get out your green vocab lists and write out words 6-10, making sure you note whether it is a noun, adjective, verb. Make sure to leave at least 1 line between words. Cohesion/ Coherence: A condition in which meanings or ideas are connected Sentence: There was a lack of cohesion in the rebel army. Commence: to begin/start Sentence: You may now commence. Connote/ connotation: having a different meaning to the actual word. Sentence: To most people lucky has a positive connotation. Contrast: compare to show unlikeliness or differences Sentence: I contrasted Spiderman 1 and Spiderman 2 to reveal their differences. Delineate:Describe in detail Sentence: I delineate my thoughts through violence.
Journal #3 Get your journal/ binder Get out your green vocab paper Get a piece of paper Fold it into 8 even squares (I will demonstrate) In each of the 10 boxes (yes, that means you will use the back) write: Word: Part of Speech: Definition: Sentence: Make sure to space things out so you have room to write. W POS D S W POS D S W POS D S W POS D S W POS D S W POS D S W POS D S W POS D S
Journal #4 Today are going to read Siddhartha for 10 minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes you are going to complete a in your journal. Once you are done with that then you should probably start reviewing for the vocab test today.
Journal #5 For some people “change” can have a negative connotation, but even though Siddartha’s community has a bias against Samanas, Siddhartha and Govinda leave their family, friends, and community to start a new life. In your opinion how are they feeling as they commence on their journey? Try to find quotes from the text to delineate your answer. Have you ever had a similar type of change in your life or had to do something that was very different and uncomfortable? What was it and how did you prepare for it, how did it feel?
Journal #6 Spend the first 10 minutes reading. Find a quote from your reading and write it down Tell me why it is important to you or what connection you make to it.
Journal #7 In your journals, use each word in a sentence Pay attention to make sure you are using them correctly (if it is a noun, verb, or adjective make sure it works in the sentence). Also label part of speech correctly (noun, adjective, verb)[ 1. denotation or denote 2. Derive 3.Distinguish 4. explicit 5. figurative
Journal #8 No journal today, use the 10 minutes to quietly review for your vocabulary test