{ Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Jo Wright Acting Executive Director Strategy and Reform NT Department of Health
Commenced operation on 1 July 2013 Will be reviewed over the coming months 3 protective custody episodes in 2 months -> transfer to AMT Assessment 4 days to Senior Assessment Clinician to prepare a report 4 days from when lodged for Tribunal to hold a hearing Tribunal = lawyer + health + community members Residential Treatment Order up to 3 months Community Treatment Orders up to 3 months Income Management Order up to 12 months AMT Act
Detoxification and management of withdrawal Loss of liberty Dealing with the health issues Reconnecting to family Preparation of report to Tribunal Assessment
Continuing acute care Continuing primary health care Sub-acute care Rehabilitation Preparing for meaningful activity, work readiness, participation Link to external agencies and potential employment Treatment
Case Management and follow-up of clients for 12 months Link to housing, Centrelink, other support agencies Ongoing community support for their addiction management Ongoing medical support for their addiction management Aftercare
206 people referred to the Tribunal 166 persons given orders for treatment, the majority being residential treatment orders 40 persons release orders 108 persons on aftercare Reports Phase I first 6 months
Establishing a new program, with a challenging and difficult clientele 24 hour, 7 day a week service for people who in the main have been excluded from other residential programs Advocacy is a concept that AOD staff not familiar with Community Visitor Program plays a key role, again new to the AOD environment Service model has been evolving as a result of continuous evaluation and review by management Recruitment has been challenging, but is improving Challenges
AMT Act review Phase II infrastructure roll-out to Katherine, Tennant Creek, and relocating of the Darwin service to the Living Skills Unit at Berrimah when it is vacated by Corrections AMT Service evaluation is under development, and will commence in new financial year Future