5 year funded programme to combat social isolation and create an Age Friendly Island.
The process so far…… 100 areas in Britain targeted by BIG to express their interest – 32 invited to submit a Vision & Strategy Over 70 IW organisations involved since Sept 2013 electing Age UK IW as Lead Organisation Management Group formed in Oct 2013 Isle Engage …. Over 1000 Islanders engaged with the consultation- Jan project bids – value £13m – March 2014 Vision & Strategy with final 12 projects – value £5.7m April areas awarded funding
£5.7 million awarded Creation of an Age Friendly Island Programmes start April 2015
Age Friendly Island To be the first UK Island and rural Community to achieve World Health Organisation Age Friendly Accreditation This covers 4 areas – environment health and social care social opportunity community infrastructure
Delivery Partners People Matter IW Wessex Cancer Trust Wight Home Care CAB Age UKIW My Time CIC Learning Links Independent Arts Alzheimer's Café Carers UK IOW Community Action IW Chamber of Commerce
Key project areas Community and Care Navigators Transport Developments Access to information and advice Digital inclusion Older volunteering in schools Expansion of Alzheimer’s cafes and support for people with dementia and their families/carers
Key project areas Men in Sheds Carer support Mental health Arts to promote health and wellbeing targeting those in care or housebound Employability and older entrepreneurs
Next steps Revisit governance Appoint Programme Manager ( Nov 2014) Develop Delivery Plan (deadline 22nd December) Engage and involve organisations and individuals to go with us on our journey Build the pledge Investigate further WHO age friendly status for communities Commence the programme in April 2015
Management Board Chair & older person: Dorothy Moir Older Voices: Helen Osborne Community Action IW: Mike Bulpitt Age UK IW: Jo Dare CCG: Michele Legg My Life A Full Life: Suzanne Wixey IW Council: Martin Elliott Wight Home Care: Di Radcliffe
This has not, and is not, about any one organisation. This is about collective responsibility and accountability towards our goal.