Training for Participants Date, Location, Venue 1 Welcome! Welcome to PEM 2 Module!


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Presentation transcript:

Training for Participants Date, Location, Venue 1 Welcome! Welcome to PEM 2 Module!

Module Aims and Objectives Aim: To provide relevant District Councillors and staff with an overview and understanding of the planning process in Step 1 of the PEM cycle. Objectives:  To identify the District Development Framework (DDF) as the main output of Step 1: Planning.  To outline the activities and tasks involved in the preparation of the DDF document, including timelines and responsibilities.  To understand the principles to be applied in the preparation of the DDF. 2

Module Overview District PEM Cycle and Timeline - Recap What is the DDF? 1.1 PEM Start Up meeting / Community Awareness 1.2 District Profile 1.3 Community Consultations 1.4 National/Sector Input 1.5 Prepare Draft DDF 1.6 Validate DDF 1.7 Finalise DDF Module Conclusion 3 What is in the PEM 2 Module?

4 Trainer to insert training timetable here

District PEM Cycle and Timeline - Recap 5

6 e Step 1. Planning Step 2. Budgeting District PEM Cycle Overview Step 3. Investment Programming Step 5. M&E Step 4. Implementation

7 7 District PEM Timeline – All Years (Somaliland) Step 2. Budgeting JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Step 3. Investment Programming Step 4. Implement Step 5. M&E DDF Approved and Disseminated 1.2 Step 1. Planning 1.1 PEM Start Up/Awareness 1.2 District Profile 1.3 Community Consultations 1.4 Draft DDF 1.5 Validation of Draft DDF 1.6 Finalise DDF National guidance 2.2 District PER 2.3 Forecast Revenues 2.4 Prioritise Projects 2.5 Initial Budget Review 2.6 Communicate VCs 2.7 Final Budget Approval Year 2+ Update District Profile / Revise DDF 1.5 End Q1 End Q year Investment Programme 3.2 First Selection project priorities 3.3 Prepare AWPB 3.4 Present AWPB to VCs 3.5 Adopt AWPB 3.6 Disseminate AWPB District Budget Adopted AWPB Adopted and Disseminated 4.2 & & & Contracting and contract management – ongoing process throughout the year if needed. 4.1 Implementation Plan 4.2 Consult with VCs 4.3 Establish CMG 4.4 Design Intervention Plan 4.5 Cost Estimate, BoQ 4.6 Central level alignment 4.7 Submit documentation 4.8 Implement Project Year Ongoing monitoring process throughout AWP implementation 5.5 Ongoing - includes external monitoring, financial audit and technical audit 5.1 DDF Monitoring 5.2 AWPB Monitoring 5.3 Joint Monitoring 5.5 Finance & Administration Monitoring 5.4 Consultative Forum Year Ongoing DDF monitoring process Dashed lines represent processes commencing or continuing in Year 2+ Solid lines represent processes commencing in Year 1 Year Ongoing monitoring process including progress reports, quarterly reports. Year Ongoing monitoring of financial and administrative procedures 5.1 Initial set up of DDF monitoring framework and ongoing data collection. PEM Cycle Timeline Q1-Q4 Year End Q2 End Q4 Year 2+ Public meeting on DDF achievements Commencement of Project Appraisals/Feasibility Studies process – ongoing 4.8 Preparation and procurement Year 2+ Project Appraisals/Feasibility Studies process – ongoing as needed

8 District PEM Responsibilities Chart

What is the DDF? 9

10 The DDF is a document that:  Specifies the main development priorities and objectives of the district.  Defines the main interventions needed to achieve the objectives.  Defines simple indicators and targets to measure achievement of the objectives.

PEM Start Up/Awareness 1.2 District Profile 1.3 Community Consultations 1.5 Draft DDF 1.6 Validation of Draft DDF 1.7 Finalise DDF 1.4 National / Sector priorities

12 District Profile Community Consultations National/Sector Input District Development Framework Information Sources for the DDF

1.1 PEM Start Up / Community Awareness 13  See Annex 2 for a PEM Start Up Meeting Agenda format.

1.2 District Profile 14

15 Capturing the District’s existing situation that defines where the District is now and… …incorporates into the District Development Framework (DDF) What is District Profiling?

16 1. Social profile 2. Economic profile 3. Environmental profile 4. Urban structure 5. Public administration 6. Transportation profile 7. Technical infrastructure 8. On-going projects 9. Development potential and constraints 10. Findings and lessons (remaining tasks) for next year 11. References District Profile: Table of Contents

17 District Profiling Process Community Consultation Process Collect Secondary Source data (from Regional Office and others) Collect District Data (Mayor, District Departments) Rural areas (collect data from villages) Data Verified District Profile prepared and finalised using verified data District Profile Data Collection Process – Example of Data Sources

1.3 Community Consultations 18  See Annex 4 for Community Consultation information.

19 Training of ToTsCommunity Consultations Analysis of collected information The community consultation process

20 The community consultation process Districts identify department staff to train as 'ToTs'. 5 ToTs from each district learn how to train the facilitators (2 week session). Identification of district based facilitators from local NGOs/CBOs to conduct the community consultations. ToTs train the hired facilitators to conduct the community consultations (1 week session). A. Identification, Recruitment and Training of ToTs and Facilitators 'Clusters' are identified within the district (all villages within a 4-5km/1 hour walking distance). Preparatory meeting for facilitators: - Identify a common meeting locality for each cluster. - Assign facilitators to pairs and allocate cluster/s. Conduct a community entry public meeting in each cluster to arrange details of the community consultation process. B. Preparation for Community Consultations

21 The community consultation process Facilitators conduct consultations (up to 14 days per cluster, based on PICD manual). Awareness Raising and Attitude Change stage Community Data Gathering and Situation Analysis stage Community Visioning and Prioritisation Process C. Conducting Community Consultations Facilitators compile a Village/Cluster Priority Assessment for each cluster. See Annex 4c for details. Input and analysis of data from the field. Overall results of community consultations Summary of the process and results is prepared for inclusion in Section 3 of the DDF. See Annex 1 for details. D. Data Analysis and Report Preparation

1.4 Regional/National/Sector Input 22  See Annex 5 for a national priorities document outline.

1.5 Prepare Draft DDF 23  See Annex 1 for a DDF format and Annex 6 for DDF preparation tools.

24 District Profile Community Consultations National/Sector Input Summary in Section 2 of the DDF. Summary in Section 3 of the DDF. Outline national priorities in Section 4 of the DDF. Draft District Development Framework District Council agreement on district vision and objectives. This information is recorded in Section 6 of the DDF. Targets and indicators are developed to monitor progress towards the objectives. This information is recorded in Section 7 of the DDF. Compiling the DDF

1.6 Validation of Draft DDF 25

DDF validation workshop in Burao District 26

1.7 Finalise DDF 27

Module Conclusion 28 Module Summary Assessment Task Evaluation Glossary Resources