Role of Hydropower in New England’s Energy Future Jeffrey A. Leahey, Esq. Sr. Manager of Government Affairs National Hydropower Association Washington,


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Presentation transcript:

Role of Hydropower in New England’s Energy Future Jeffrey A. Leahey, Esq. Sr. Manager of Government Affairs National Hydropower Association Washington, DC Environmental Business Council 2009

Hydro 8% Largest U.S. Renewable Resource Coal 49% Nat Gas 20% Nuclear 19% Hydropower generates 8% of all U.S. electricity Oil 1.6% Others 3% Hydropower accounts for about three- quarters of all U.S. renewable energy generation

Why Hydro Matters U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Agency Report: Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2007 attributes much of the 86 million metric ton increase in U.S. carbon dioxide emissions between 2006 and 2007 to “…a drop in hydropower availability that led to greater reliance on fossil energy sources (coal and natural gas) for electricity generation, increasing the carbon intensity of the power supply.” The report added that a 14 percent decrease in hydropower generation over the last year – attributable mainly to drought conditions in the South – “more than offset” increases in generation from wind and nuclear power plants.

Hydro’s Potential 96,000 MW+ more by ,000 MW now Hydro can double

FERC Sees It, too FERC’s Jon Wellinghoff has challenged NHA members to double capacity by 2030 Record 34,000 MW new in FERC pipeline today

Where EPRI Sees It Growing Gains at existing facilities: 4,300 MW+ New small 36,000 MW Ocean 20,000 MW Hydro- kinetic & tidal 12,800 MW Low-power facilities 22,000 MW Pumped Storage ???

This requires… Federal tax incentives, policy & R&D support

Spreading the Word on Hydro NHA Executive Fly-in Two dozen executives participated in the event the first week of March Meetings with the White House, FERC Commissioners, and with Congressional Members and staff Messages received: Hydro’s clean air benefits important So too are the job creation benefits Ability to integrate other renewables even more important Hydro industry needs to be more visible

PTC extension PTC extension CREBs extension CREBs extension More hydro covered in tax incentives More hydro covered in tax incentives Growing support for R&D Growing support for R&D 2009 Stimulus Bill Scorecard

Tax Incentives Production Tax Credit (PTC) 3-year extension through Dec. 31, 2013 Long term extension provides the time for hydro projects to go through licensing, order equipment and construction Hydro receives half-credit (1 cent per kwh) Eligible hydro resources Capacity additions at existing facilities Efficiency improvements at existing facilities New development at non-powered dams Hydrokinetics - ocean, tidal, in-stream and conduit power

Tax Incentives continued… Investment Tax Credit (ITC) 30 percent credit in lieu of the PTC for facilities placed in service in , at the time facilities brought online PTC eligible hydro resources included NHA advocated for the longer 2013 extension Department of Treasury Grants Grants cover 30% of the cost of a renewable energy projects that commence construction before Dec. 31, Grant period terminates on January 1, 2014 In lieu of PTC or ITC

Tax Incentives continued… Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs) $1.6 billion re-authorization CREBs eligibility for hydro projects mirrors the PTC/ITC Orig. round of applications saw high demand and larger hydro projects were cut out. Advanced Energy Investment Tax Credit 30% credit for manufacturers to re-equip, expand or establish a renewable energy manufacturing facility Original language only included solar, wind and geothermal NHA sought inclusion of “other renewable resources” to include hydro and hydrokinetics

Hydro Investment Provisions DOE Waterpower Program $2.5 billion overall for DOE EERE programs Additional Omnibus Appropriations funding for the Waterpower program of $40 million. For FY2010, NHA requested $91 million. Several industry funding opportunities issued. DOE Electric Reliability Program $4.5 billion in new program funds To modernize the grid, enhance security and reliability of the energy infrastructure, energy storage research, development, demonstration and deployment Key role for pumped storage hydro projects

Hydro Investment Provisions DOE Innovative Technologies Loan Program $6 billion in additional funds Funds for rapid deployment of renewable energy projects, including hydropower, hydrokinetics, and pumped storage, as well as electric power transmission systems. Construction must commence by Sep. 30, Army Corps of Engineers $2 billion of funding for activities including upgrading of Corps hydro projects

Congressional RPS Proposals Representative Ed Markey (D-MA) Chairs Energy and Environment Subcommittee of House Energy Committee & Global Warming Select Committee Definition of renewable resources includes: incremental hydro, development at non-powered dams, and ocean, tidal, in-stream Additional deal with moderate Dems to gain support: Incremental hydro and power at non-powered dams brought online since 1992 considered as new and qualifies under the RES.

Hydro Investment Provisions Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Chairs Energy and Natural Resources Committee Definitions follow the Markey bill including the 1992 deal. Sen. Murkowski, ranking Republican on the Energy Committee, secured agreement with Sen. Bingaman to expand the definition of qualified hydro resources to include additional Alaskan resources – small hydro, pumped storage, Alaskan lake taps. Other resources under discussion include low impact certified hydro, hydro used to firm intermittent renewables, small hydro.

Congressional Climate Proposals House Energy Committee Chair Waxman (D-CA) has proposed combined energy policy and climate bill by Memorial Day. It includes: 1.clean energy title: promotes renewables, CCS technologies, low- carbon transportation fuels, clean electric vehicles, the smart grid and electricity transmission; efficiency title: to increases energy efficiency across all sectors of the economy; warming title: places limits on GHG emissions; and 4.transitioning title: protects consumers and industry and promotes green jobs during the transition to a clean energy economy.

Congressional Climate Proposals Additional Details of House Bill Reduce carbon emissions 17% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 compared to 2005 levels. Approximately 80% of allowances freely distributed. By 2031, 70% of allowances are auctioned. Allowances to states for investment in renewable energy Allowances provided to local distribution companies 50% based on historic emissions 50% based on annual average retail electricity deliveries

Congressional Climate Proposals continued… Senate Situation is more complicated in Senate because of multiple jurisdictions – Energy (Bingaman) and Environment & Public Works Committee (Boxer). Had looked like climate would have to move separately from an energy bill in Senate. However, Boxer is closely watching what the House is doing and has stated she plans to mirror that compromise closely, in order to try to move something. Final adoption on climate legislation this year is still an uphill battle.

Congressional Climate Proposals continued… NHA’s work Not directly engaging in the allowance allocations debate – historic emissions vs. output Working to ensure that hydro and hydrokinetics do receive allowance value Ensuring the definition of renewable resources includes hydro and hydrokinetics Supporting the renewable energy bonus allowance program, which would set aside an amount of allowances that would go directly to renewables Supporting other clean energy programs in a climate bill that help develop and deploy renewables, including hydro and hydrokinetics

THE END! Questions???