Marketing The Product: 10 Day trip Fly from Sydney Australia to Vancouver to Calgary Includes a guided tour of the Calgary Stampede Banff, Jasper and Edmonton Includes meals, accommodations, Stampede tickets, etc. The Price: $2, CAN plus airfare
Positioning Family Fun Trip: Adults aged with children aged 3-17 Annual household income $ plus Adventure Alberta Trip: Young adults, aged Mostly students and young professionals The key difference is the group dynamic that each tour will take on
Promotion Advertising efforts will focus on raising awareness of the Calgary Stampede amongst our target market. Family Fun Trip: Place ads in the Sydney Morning Herald Readership is per issue, mostly people aged with annual income above $ Adventure Alberta Trip Sydney 2-Day radio station 9.8% market share and most listeners are Billboards around areas frequented by young people Kings Cross Areas downtown Sydney
Promotion Cross Promotion: Advertising the Calgary Stampede at Australian Country and Western Events. Coast Country Music Festival and the All Australian Jamboree Timing: Commence promotional effort for the Stampede on January 1 st This allows adequate time to increase awareness and for people to book their trip
Distribution Website: Will provide a complete list of what is included in the trip Will allow people to book online and pay with credit card or internet banking. Will provide a number for people to call for more information Affiliated Travel Agents: We will partner with travel agents, such as Flight Center, to allow people to book in person