South America before Columbus Sumerica antes Colon
To the East of the Andes Mountains there was no civilized culture, during the Pre-Columbian period. En el este de el Andes no tenian civilizacion de cultura.
Indian cultures such as the Incas, started to reach mid- level development. Las culturas indias alcanzaron media-nivel de desarrollo.
The Museum of Gold in Bogota features artwork from Indian cultures. El museo del oro en el Bogota muestra caracteristicas importantes del arte de las culturas.
The chibchas developed to a mid- level of civilization. Los chibchas desarrollaron a medio-nivel de la civilizacion.
Suramerica antes de Colon
To the East of the Andes Mountains there was no civilized culture, during the Pre-Columbian period.
Indian cultures such as the Incas, started to reach mid-level development.
The Bogota Museum of gold features artwork from Indian cultures.
The chibchas developed to a mid- level of civilization.