LARP MSM Conductor, Cable and Procurement - A. Ghosh1 Strand, Cable and Procurement BNL -FNAL - LBNL - SLAC Magnet Systems Meeting Jan 09, 2014 Video Mtg Arup K. Ghosh (BNL)
LARP MSM Conductor, Cable and Procurement - A. Ghosh2 Strand Testing SQXF will use 108/127 Ti-Ternary strand from 10 billets 5 billets have “reduced-Sn” to improve RRR Determine appropriate reaction temp/time for coil reaction. HT study using 640C/72h Ic(12T), Ic(15T) and RRR measured for 10 wires, 0.85 mm diameter, along with a 132/169 design wire with “standard-Sn” for future reference Results indicate that for the 108/127 wires with “standard-Sn” we will use 640C/48h to ensure RRR > 100. For “reduced-Sn” 640C/72h is recommended for better Ic match with the “standard-Sn” billets Witness samples tests HQ-C26 reacted at BNL (on-going) LHQ-C03 reacted at BNL (will commence next week)
LARP MSM Conductor, Cable and Procurement - A. Ghosh3 QXF - Cable Fabricated B1048Z and B1049 Z Strand is 108/127 Ta-Ternary 1048Z uses wire “as-received” 1049Z uses same wire annealed at 170C/14h Cable insulated with S-2 Glass® braided at NEWT Insulation thickness mm and mm, specification target is mm. Cable is being used for winding tests with end-parts designed by ROXIE and BEND. Fabricated B1050Z, 190 m for first practice SQXF coil using “as-received strand”, 108/127, Ta-Ternary 175 m of cable will be sent to NEWT for insulation B1051Z using annealed strand will be fabricated in Jan’14. At a CERN-LARP Conductor meeting it was decided that CERN will fabricate Nb-Ti cable for all leads using mm LHC “surplus” wire.
LARP MSM Conductor, Cable and Procurement - A. Ghosh4 Strand Procurement 275 kg LARP order 20 kg delivered as 108/ kg will be delivered as 132/169 Change order has not been executed as we are waiting on OST for a quote for the 132/169 Delivery will be made in Apr’ kg CDP order for 144/169 with “reduced-Sn” Recent change Item 1 : 45 kg of 132/169 with “standard-Sn” (strand similar to that being made for CERN order). Delivery Jan-15 th Quantity sufficient for 1 unit length of SQXF cable Item 2 : 140 kg of 132/169 with “reduced-Sn” delivery in May’14 90 kg CDP order for 132/169 with “standard-Sn” and thicker barrier Delivery expected in June’14
LARP MSM Conductor, Cable and Procurement - A. Ghosh5 Other Items Drafting specification for fiberglass braided cable insulation LARP-MAG-R-8006 Have received feedback from vendor Intent to issue Rev-A for all insulation work beyond cable B1050Z. Insulation procurement to be done from FNAL (Steve Krave) Drafting specification for Cable LARP-MAG-M-8005 Need to capture parameter requirements, testing, testing methods and QA documentation from cabling facility Goal is to issue Rev-A before the LARP collaboration meeting.