Status of the MICE RF System K Ronald, University of Strathclyde For the MICE RF team MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November
Content MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Impact of the transition to the ionisation cooling experiment Timescales and revised RF apparatus Implications for components required Projected acceleration performance Implications for integrated RF system tests: MPB/RLSR Recommendation Status of RF drive system Plans & progress for tests of amplifiers Plans for delivery, installation of amplifiers Status of the LLRF systems Development of RF controls RF Cavity Test Progress Muon-RF phase determination Initial tests with real hardware and waveforms Procurement of hardware for further tests Plans for installation and commissioning of RF modules at RAL MICE and ISIS synergies: RF subsystems and controls: MPB/RLSR Recommendation
MICE HPRF systems MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November MICE HPRF system requirements have changed Fewer cavities, no coupling coil Required operational date is Autumn 2017 Enables demonstration in data campaign from of ionisation cooling with energy restoration The MICE Demonstration of Ionisation Cooling requires Two individual cavities bracketed by two thin LiH absorbers, sandwiching main absorber Cavities themselves are unchanged Each cavity is 430mm long with a Q of 44,000 and is resonant at MHz The cavities must still operate in a strong magnetic field environment Cavities are estimated (by simulation) to deliver 8MV/m at 1MW dissipation- shunt impedance 5.9 M Alan has described the cavity test progress
MICE HPRF systems MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November The MICE Demonstration of Ionisation Cooling requires Two individual cavities bracketed by two thin LiH absorbers, sandwiching main absorber Cavities themselves are unchanged Each cavity is 430mm long with a Q of 44,000 and is resonant at MHz The cavities must still operate in a strong magnetic field environment Cavities are estimated (by simulation) to deliver 8MV/m at 1MW dissipation- shunt impedance 5.9 M Alan has described the cavity test progress
Expected performance MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November MW peak output from RF drive amplifiers, also unchanged LLRF requires ~10 % overhead to achieve regulation Estimated ~10 % loss in transmission line Power delivered to each cavity 1.62 MW, Anticipated gradient in each cavity 10.2 MV/m Slight uplift in gradient from 7.2 MV/m in each ‘STEP V’ cavity RF system tests During summer 2014 an early integrated system test plan was developed Based on MPB/RLSR Recommendation Eminently feasible, cost and schedule implications fully developed Installation next to Daresbury amplifier test stand Schedule implications incompatible with new imperative- operation in 2017 New configuration magnetically similar to MTA tests- enhanced derisking Maximal exploitation of tests at Daresbury and MTA for risk mitigation Integrated system tests- 2 months available in installation plan
HPRF System Status MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November MICE RF systems demonstrated Nominal power levels 2MW, Frequency (201.25MHz) for 1Hz First amplifier tested in MICE hall Triode amplifier (output stage) remains installed Tetrode and all modulator racks shipped to Daresbury New higher voltage solid state crowbar tested Electrical completion of triode No. 2 will commence Triode 2 will be tested using No. 1 tetrode and modulators Will use upgraded Triode No.1 modulator Each major No. 1 subsystem will be swapped for No. 2 sequentially Make fault finding more rapid Remote control philosophy being developed Will be tested during commissioning of No. 2 system
PSUs #1 – Progress at Daresbury The racks are re-installed at DL and connected to power The 40 kV modulator is being upgrade with a solid-state crowbar switch. Testing of the two new 40 kV crowbar switches sucessfull – Switches integrated with trigger system – Switches hold off over 40 kV with no false trips – Run at 42kV for long periods. – Discharge capability of two switches tested at up to 38 kV with the full 140 uF. – Thyristors barely get warm. Switch 1 has had over 120 shots at various voltage/charge levels. MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Test apparatus showing crowbar switch, resistor bank and CT
Crowbar Tests Tests carried out: – Circuit tests using second switch as a load to trigger the crowbar and measure “arc” energy MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Test voltage: 24 kV Capacitor: 140 uF Dump resistor: 5 ohms CH 1 Overcurrent detector (trigger) CH 2 Firing pulse to crowbar CH 3 Capacitor current (10 dB) CH 4 Current in Load Timebase 2.5 us / div Peak current in crowbar: 4.6 kA Peak current in load: 1.2 kA Estimated energy into load: <10J
LLRF systems MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November MICE LLRF: provide 1% amplitude, 0.5 o phase regulation Will control tuner system LLRF system being developed by Daresbury LLRF group Using digital LLRF4 boards already procured First board operating at 201MHz in tests during August 2014 Synergy with ISIS requirements for LLRF system For new ISIS LINAC amplifier test and commissioning stand Similar installation to the MICE amplifier test stand System is closely related to the implementation for existing Daresbury accelerators 0.1 % amplitude and 0.3 o demonstrated in 1.3 GHz accelerating cavities Power ramp programming already demonstrated Boards will be tested during the amplifier commissioning programme
Implications for Power Distribution Network MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November The change to a two cavity system has some implications for the RF delivery network Transmission lines planned to travel under floor level- no requirement to change Most components available from stock procured by Mississippi MRI grant Fewer hybrid splitters used- one amplifier driving each cavity Simpler tuning control and feedback system New experiment will demand higher power in 4” lines under floor This suggests it may be worth implementing SF 6 insulation
RF Control System MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November RF systems will require remote, automated control system ‘State Machine’ description being evolved by MICE Team ‘Operator perceived’ states mapped for Amplifiers OFF- Fully hardware inhibited state ENABLED RF system verified closed: Hardware inhibits cleared STANDBY Heaters On: Highest state without PPS permit Hardware interlocked to coolant, monitoring of heater drive systems READY HT PSU’s Online, HT Grounds lifted, LLRF Online Hardware interlocked to PPS Permit, coolant, enclosure integrity ON RF system running Hardware interlocked to PPS Permit, coolant, enclosure integrity Software monitoring of forward and reverse power, coupler signals
RF Control System MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Detailed logic states within this overall philosophy are being informed by the ISIS linac control system- excerpt below Will be built by Daresbury using established standard architecture Fast local hardware switches for critical system/safety protection PLC’s for more complex, less time critical functions Interface to EPICS MICE control system for monitoring
RF drive systems- plans to complete MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Two RF drive systems are to be delivered to the MICE hall Amplifier No. 2 will be progressively commissioned through 2014 into 2015 Remote control and monitoring systems will be implemented during these tests LLRF system will be tested with the amplifiers Delivery and installation of RF system No. 1 can be incremental As primary subsystems are replaced by the No. 2 units at Daresbury Taking account of STEP IV operations Installation resource requirements well understood from TIARA tests RF system No. 2 planned to be available for installation in 2016 Four month commissioning window ending Nov This will be undertaken as an intensive delivery and installation operation
Timing System Specification MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November We wish to know the difference between Transit time of any of our muons (in essence through ToF1) A zero crossing of the RF system in any cavity- choose the first cavity Use tracker measurement of trajectories to project forward to each cavity in turn LLRF phase (0.5 o ) stability specification is ~3x stricter than the resolution desired for the RF timing system <20ps or <0.4% of the RF cycle In turn specification for RF timing is ~3x stricter than ToF resolution 50ps ~1% Should mean the timing accuracy is ~1% of RF cycle, defined by ToFs resolution Stability, and/or accurate knowledge, of all parameters in the system will be important Long cable runs, with dielectric insulated coaxial lines? Phase relationship between the cavity fields and the signals on the test ports Relationship between ToF signals and actual Muon transit
Overview of Timing Critical Elements MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Sketch illustrates relationships of key components in the Demonstration experiment Work in progress: Mathematical tests of digitiser interpolation Test sensitivity to vertical resolution, temporal sample rate, noise Work in progress: Understand cable stability Work to be undertaken: Test TDC/Discriminators in MHz environment ToF 1 Cavity 1 RF Amp 1 LLRF Beamline HPRF RF Drive LLRF Feedback TDC’s (ToF) TDC’s (RF) Digitisers Datarecorders RF Clock Trigger Discriminators (RF) Discriminators (ToF) ToF Signals RG MHz LLRF MO MO Signal (RG213) Computers RF Amp 2 HPRF Cavity 2 RF Drive Cavity 2 (RG213) Cavity 1 (RG213)
‘Sub’ Nyquist digitisation To acquire at Nyquist on 200MHz would demand a sampling rate of ~1-2G.Sa/sec, for 1ms – Demands ~1 to 2MB per acquired channel, > 7.2GB/hr (assuming an 8 bit digitiser) Subsampling – The Fourier Transform of the undersampled data maps the signal into its ‘unaliased’, relatively low frequency range We may then retransform to the time domain to determine the time evolution of the signal at some arbitrary point in time Must satisfy Nyquist on the linewidth- for our cavity natural linewidth is ~5kHz, effective linewidth is ~10kHz, so sampling rate ~few hundred k.Sa/sec should be sufficient We assume 20M.Sa/sec, with 1ms we now have about 20kB per 8 bit recorded channel, data rate of ~72MB/hr per channel MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November
Comparison of rebuilt 20M.Sa/sec subsampled oscilloscope signal with 2G.Sa/sec recording: Agilent DSO-X G2004A MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November
Timing hardware and Tests MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Use TDC and discriminators used in ToF system TDC’s CAEN V ps multi-hit 25ps bin size maps to 7ps uncertainty (assuming Uniform PDF) LeCroy 4415A discriminators Needs to be tested in RF environment Use of same electronics as ToF mitigates systematic uncertainty & drift Both TDC’s and discriminators will travel to Strathclyde tomorrow To make efficient integration into DAQ ideally use VME digitisers for the sub- sample reconstruction At present continue to use fast, 8 bit, DSO’s to capture signal Plan to use CAEN V1761 digitisers 1GHz, 4G.Sa/sec, 10 bit, 2 Channel instrument Capable of 57.6MS/Ch RF cavity tests at MTA have provided real cavity probe signals for analysis
RF Installation and Commissioning MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November RF amplifiers already discussed One amplifier previously installed Services and support systems well understood 1 st Amplifier reinstalled- working around STEP IV operations 2 nd Amplifier- 4 month installation plan- completion projected late 2016 Pre testing to 1MW possible into hybrid and three 500kW loads RF main power lines installed from August ‘16 to February ’17 Lines from final hybrid measured by VNA Matched for electrical length (allowing for hybrid), trimmed with phase tuners
RF Installation and Commissioning MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Cavities SCTS Cavity tests proceeding very successfully at MTA Two cavities and 4 Be windows + spare set will be preselected, electropolished by LBNL Based on measurement of resonant frequency Four RF couplers will be built to upgraded design Delivery to RAL planned for Spring 2016 Cavity assembly: RF team working with Mechanical assembly team Benefits from experience with similar SCTS Assembly planned at RAL, can be conducted in separate hall, 6-8 weeks Cavity will be installed into the vacuum chamber with Be windows Couplers installed and tuned for critical coupling (revised coupler clamp) Pick up probe calibration will be adjusted and measured Cavity tuning tested and measured, Q, f 0 checked 2 weeks allowed for RF tuning of cavity
RF Installation and Commissioning MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Cavity vessels will be integrated with absorber vessels and focus coils Moved into beamline and pumped down, estimate 2 weeks effort MTA tests indicate X-ray shield requirements to be modest Require pressure < mB inside cavity Experience from MTA SCTS informs evacuation process Retest RF performance of cavities Complex cavity chamber environment limits bake options MTA test shows light bake is adequate on EP cavities Use hot water in cooling tubes to bake to ~80 o C directly Estimate 2 weeks to evacuate and 2 weeks for bakeout Review RF performance after ultimate vacuum reached
RF Installation and Commissioning MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November HPRF tests can commence once Amplifiers, Cavity and transmission lines installed Prerequisites planned to be complete Feb. ‘17 One month of RF testing planned Initially without B-field Full tests of LLRF with tuner control Magnet commissioning derives from STEP IV plan Commence April ‘17 after RF pre-commissioning Requires addition of one further focus coil All magnets exist and have been tested at currents > requirements Once magnets commissioned RF commissioning with B-field This will build on tests at MTA Essentially repeat of tests without B-field Estimated 1 month of tests (May ’17)
Risk management and Resilience MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Certain risk and procurement items have been eliminated or mitigated Distribution network simplified 9 cavities available (2 needed) All major RF modulator components in hand 4 off Thales 116 Triode valves available (2 required) 2 spare sets of valve amplifier assemblies readily available MICE & ISIS RF Subsystem: Synergies and Interaction MPB/RLSR Recommendation Strong correlations between MICE and ISIS Linac RF systems MICE RF Engineer has requested to participate in ISIS Linac commissioning ISIS Linac RF amplifier test station similar to MICE amplifier installations MICE RF Team working with ISIS Linac RF Team on LLRF systems ISIS Linac control philosophy used as model for MICE RF MICE RF system safety under MICE-ISIS Safety committee
Summary MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Progress achieved enhancing the capabilities of the RF amplifier modulators In environment where most EE effort focussed on STEP IV Plans developed for commissioning two amplifiers chains by 2016 Progress on LLRF system for 201MHz implementation Synergies with ISIS project Progress in Muon-RF phase determination Sub-sampling and reconstruction shown to work with real 8 bit data Includes wideband noise and digitisation artifacts (8 bit vertical resolution, with timebase jitter) Equipment to test TDC based system available now Resilient plan in place to bring system together for commissioning tests Completion of hardware, Spring 2017 Coherent experimental plan achievable if operational by Autumn 2017
Crowbar Switch Design Fast crowbar switch needed to protect high power amplifier tube from potentially damaging internal arcs. ~ 100kJ in the capacitor banks. Switch characteristics: fast turn-on to low impedance state capability to discharge large amounts of stored energy. Hybrid design combines a small fast switch in parallel with a slower large area slow switch The resistors R1-R2 ensure that current is shared between SW1-SW2 initially but then they also force the current into SW3 as SW3 turns on. C1 and R3 assure AC and DC voltage sharing between stages. MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November APP Crowbar Switch Model S kV Conceptual Schematic C1: Snubber Capacitor R1-R2: Resistors for Current Sharing R3: Balancing Resistor SW1-SW2: Fast Thyristors SW3: Large Area Thyristor
Crowbar Tests Tests carried out: – Leakage current measurement on each thyristor in the stack – Voltage withstand tests up to 42 kV dc for 30 minutes – Crowbar discharge tests up to 38 kV with 6 uF, 70 uF and 140 uF capacitance MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Crowbar discharge test – 38 kV 140 uF1 us/div Ch 1 – trigger signal (TGP 110) Ch 2 – trigger pulse (APP EB0046) Ch 3 – current (6dB attenuator) Ch 4 – Switch voltage (x10) Note rapid turn on of switch; Switch voltage down to 30% (11 Kv) at 1 us after trigger pulse
Testing of Spectral Domain Remapping MHz signals computed (with ramp envelopes) and recorded at both 2G.Sa/sec and 20M.Sa/sec effective digitisation rates Signals compared after FFT and spectral region remapping, and again after iFFT, to compare the time domain of source signal – Good agreement obtained Computer used to simulate vertical digitisation error (i.e. 8 bit resolution of digitising typical oscilloscope) – Again signals compared and reasonable agreement obtained Realistic data obtained by high speed oscilloscope – Gives realistic vertical (8bit) resolution error and horizontal jitter – Reconstruction process repeated MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November
Comparison of synthesised 8-Bit digitised MHz wave recorded at 2G.Sa/sec with IFT of padded 20M.Sa/sec data MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November
Real data taken from Agilent DSO-X G2004A MICE Project Board & RLSR, 24th November Amplitude Time/ms