Church Governance Is there a need for a change?
Areas where change is needed Elders: We are not getting visits done? We are dealing with official matters (Profession of Faith interviews; baptism; meetings (6); accountability meetings (FC-8 and Congregation- 2) Admin: Too time consuming for both elders (3) and deacon (1). (An additional 12 meetings). Note: Total meetings for Admin elders: 28/yr
Are we still committed to our family and singles visitation? Yes: Demonstrates a commitment to serving the Body of Christ No: Family and work commitments make visits too time consuming. (Track record is poor) Would like to but ………. Feel inadequate: Single female, marriage issues? Burn out. Too many other matters to deal with in church.
Recommendations: Six person admin council: 4 elders and 2 deacons. No District visitation responsibilities. Eight person elders board: (Current mandate except drop expectation of family visitation. Only special event visits.) New: Nine person pastoral visitor team made up of men and women trained in visits and providing supports. Meet with elders bi-monthly.
Positions: Administration Chair of Council: Oversight, Pastor, Ad. Assist, sets FC and Admin agenda First Vice-chair (elder): Personnel, Worship Committee, Classis Clerk (elder):Minutes, Committee Mandates, Correspondence 2nd Vice-chair: Districts/Care Groups/ Elders/Pastoral Care. Deacon Chair: Oversight of Deacon’s work Deacon Treasurer: Finance Oversight/Budget
Elders Board (8 + 4 Admin): Attend 6 Full Council meetings Attend 6 elders meetings Attend 2 Congregation Meetings One all day workshop-seminar Coffee Provision once every 8 months. Visits: Special events (Baptism, funeral, illness, special need) Shared responsibility for pastoral visits with Pastoral Workers. Other: See website for other …..
Deacons Board (4 + 2 Admin) No change needed except with the addition of two additional administrative deacons. Deacons also included into the coffee serving schedule for Sunday mornings. More accountability-oversight with Adult and Youth Mexico Trips. Admin Deacon #1: Budget oversight planning and implementation. Keeps track of where the money goes. Admin Deacon #2: Oversight of deacon services. Meet 8 times a year as deacons Board Attend 6 Full Council Meetings and 2 Congregational Meetings
Pastoral Care Workers (9) Identified for their gifting in hospitality, pastoral sensitivities. May be able to draw in those with special skills and training. Play a supportive role for the elders and deacons in providing care to those who are in the church and community. Meet regularly with elders (4 times per year) and deacons (2 times) to consider how to handle challenges Will require time to prepare for this ministry by having a workshop. (Perhaps LDN can help here)
Structural Changes Needed Create 8 Districts. (25 max. per district) Each District gets one elder and one pastoral visitor. (Admin Deacons will assign deacons to special cases as needs arise.) Affirmation vote needed for all names solicited. Including pastoral workers. Admin elders and Admin deacons will be selected as a separate group. Give a closer look at how we assemble districts. Less meetings
Planning for Change: Full Council discussed the plan. (January 27, 2014) Full Council formulated a Motion to adopt (Feb. 24, 2014) Introduce the change to the congregation for their support on April 14, 2014 Commence Implementation as soon as possible. Require letters for openings with job description and time lines. Aim for at least three pastoral visitors. (Phase in over 3 years.) Affirmation required for 4 Admin Elder positions; 2 Admin Deacons; Eight Elders; 4 Deacons. This followed up with drawing of lots and installation. Affirmation required for up to nine pastoral visitors. No need for drawing of lots. May want a special induction ceremony. Will need some training for Pastoral Visitors