Water Asset Management for small towns in Uganda with special focus on Post- Conflict Northern Region Update and Work plan for Asset Preventive Maintenance CD for POs
Planned Activities Hold one day workshop to disseminate the findings of the Capacity Needs Assessment. Participate in the development and finalization of training materials for the nine thematic modules for vocational training Develop five thematic modules for Asset management Carry out vocational training for plumbers and mechanical/electrical technicians – 4 sessions to be run Carry out training for a select group in Asset management (face to face session and practical exercises/on job training ) – 4 sessions
Progress to date Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA) report was finalized and findings disseminated during the workshop was in Lira in July The water boards were tasked to identify staffs to send for training Five (5) thematic training modules identified for Asset Management namely: plant unit operations, plant equipment maintenance, network operations and maintenance, asset planning and documentation, record keeping and performance measurement. Draft Asset management training materials prepared and shall be finalized by end of August Training plan for the remaining period for Year 2 reviewed and updated.
Modular Sheet for Module 1: Title Target Group Profile of the Participants and prior knowledge or experience required: Syllabus/Scope/Main Subjects and Contents Learning Objectives Upon completion of the module, the participants will be able to: Reference and Training Materials. Knowledge Products Didactics Examples 1. Lecture 2. Tutorial 3. Debate/discussion 4. Practical Exercise 5. Drills 6. Field work 7. Laboratory sessions 8. Guided Hands-on Problem Solving 9. Individual presentation 10. Follow up action plans Resource Person(s) Modular Sheet Template
Training Work plan - Asset Management DateVenueTraining 23 – 27 th Sept 2013Gaba Training Center, Kampala Theory & practical exercises 28 th Oct – 1 st Nov 2013Gaba Training Center, Kampala Theory & practical exercises 27 th – 31 st Jan 2014Nebbi water schemeHand on training 17 th – 21 st Feb, 2014Kamdini water scheme or Lugazi water scheme Hands on training
Planned Activities cont’d Review of Vocational training modules produced in collaboration with GiZ in order to scale them down to the small town needs – to be done in September 2013 if the modules are ready. Vocational Training to commence in October 2013 subject to the equipping of the workshop.