KEI Ltd. Principles Vision ; To be the leading hydrocarbon producer in East Java, most admired for its safety, people, reliable operation and efficiency. Transforming opportunities to realities by finding, developing and producing oil and gas, operating efficiently, respecting people, maintaining good relationship with all stake holders. Mission ; 1)Safe, Smooth, and Environmentally-friendly operations to maintain stable supply of energy to our customers (no contamination and no pollution). 2)To keep transparency, fair treatment and keeping integrity in all aspects. 3) To minimize expenditure and to maximize recoverable oil and gas reserves.
Total Working Hours without Lost Time Accident, as of October 31, 2014 : Pagerungan Operation, JKT office & JSO: man-hours, recorded Since December 28, 1993 TSB Operation & Maintenance: man-hours, recorded Since May 31, 2012 Project: man-hours. Process Safety OutputActual YTDTarget Number of PS event tier 1-30/0/0 Process Safety Input100%100 % Compliance Risk management100%100% Compliance Hard barriers prevention100%100% Compliance Deviation to operation>90% MoC100%100% Compliance Safety OutputActual YTDTarget Fatality/LTA/RIC0/0/20/0/0 Safety Input STOP (Card/person/month)22 SHE meetings, training hours584500
Kangean PSC Working Area & Gas / Oil Export Facility Pag Condensate (oil) Gas transport via EJGP
KEI Production Record Note: 2014 Production data is updated until end August 2014
Pagerungan Facilities Condensate Tank Processing Plant Jetty Head Main Office Living Quarters Blasting & Painting Shop Workshop & Warehouse Main Gate Warehouse Welding shop Gas Metering
Pagerungan SPM & Jetty Facillity Single Point Mooring
TSB Offshore Operation FPU Joko Tole
TSB Offshore Operation FPU Joko Tole 13
TSB Offshore Operation FPU Joko Tole 14
Procurement of Goods and Services KEI Safety Health & Environmental (SHE) Requirement: 1.SHE Standard & Guidelines 3.9 Contractor Management: Contractors and Suppliers are key of the business performance and will be assesed their capabilities and competencies prior to work for Company. 2. PSM element 4.7: Contractors : Principle: Contractor capabilities and competencies will be assessed prior to commence the work, and Company will ensure that KEI SHE standards are understood and implemented, and potential risk related with the contractor’s work are understood and controlled. Follow Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) PSM element 4.8: Purchasing: Principle: Goods and services are purchased with clear technical specification and SHE prerequisite to ensure that when in use they are safe for the person, environment, and process
Procurement of Goods and Services Our Expectation Follows & Compliance to PTK 007 On Specification Pass QA/QC On Time delivery Reasonable price (competitive price) Quick and effective response on problems (strong technical support) Cooperative and good communication
List of Operation Contract Services CONTRACT TITLEPERIOD (MONTH)CONTRACT VALUE (US$) REGULAR ACTIVITIES Provision of Laboratory and Analysis Services 36 Heavy Equipment & Vehicle Rental Services 36 Metering Station Facilities in Wunut 60 QA-QC Certification Services 36 Fabrication & Mechanical Equipment Maintenance Services 24 Caterpillar Engine Maintenance Services 24 Electrical Instrument Maintenance Services 24 Inspection, Maintenance Destructive and Non Destructive Testing Services 36 General Overhaul of Solar Gas Turbine Engine Saturn 20 and Gear Box Saturn Slickline Services 24 TSB Subsea Facility Inspection Services 24 PSV Maintenance and Certification Services 24 Corrosion Monitoring Services 24 Helicopter 60 Aviation Consultant 24 Ground Handling HP Vessel MV Sam Prosper HP Vessel UB Falconry 36 Marine Survey 24 SUB-TOTAL US$ $58,072, SUB-TOTAL IDR IDR 1,820,000,000.00
List of Operation Contract Services NON-REGULAR ACTIVITIES PERIOD (MONTH) CONTRACT VALUE (US$) Installation, Commisioning and Testing Gas Engine Generator Saturn 20 in Pagerungan Field 6 Capillary String Installation Services 6 Navigation Buoy, Accessories & Installation Services 12 Provision and Installation of Navigation Buoy System 15 Mooring Buoy Transportation & Installation Services for TSB Field 12 TSB Subsea Facility Rectification 12 Supply of Reciprocating Performance Analyzer 120 days SUB-TOTAL$ 6,750,
In Closing With Support and Collaboration from all Stake Holders, including Vendors; Suppliers/Contractors KEI will continue supplying clean energy to East Java (Indonesia) for Indonesian continuous economics growth and better life... Thank you, be safe, and make yourself comfortable… TERIMA KASIH