Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Pilot Transportation Security Administration August 2011
2 Background The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have been collaborating since June 2009 through a working group focused on how to utilize CBP’s Automated Targeting System (ATS) to support TSA’s mission to secure inbound air cargo. Initially, TSA and CBP were looking to utilize ATS as a medium-term tool in the passenger air cargo environment as an additional layer of security to its 100% screenings strategy, allowing TSA to identify cargo for increased scrutiny. As a result of a foiled terrorist plot in October 2010, these efforts have been accelerated and developed into pilot activities to focus how to incorporate ATS into DHS’ overall strategy with TSA and CBP jointly targeting inbound air cargo shipments to the United States through the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) project. Advanced information for pre-departure PAX only June 2009 Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Pilot –all pre-departure inbound air cargo (PAX and Freighter) December 2010
3 August 2011 ACAS Project Overview The Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) project is a joint effort between TSA and CBP to test and implement baseline threshold targeting in the pre-departure air cargo environment in response to these events. TSA and CBP are conducting a voluntary pilot to collect data, refine targeting procedures, and establish appropriate communication systems in order to test pre-departure advanced information collection, threshold targeting, and TSA response procedures at non-U.S. locations, with three phases: –Express – Express cargo air carrier pilot –PAX – Passenger air carriers and forwarders –All-Cargo carriers Pilot activities are focused on a proof of concept for each of the key building blocks – data, targeting, and enhanced screening – building toward implementation of a comprehensive pre-departure targeting and physical screening regime. Industry participants are voluntarily providing a subset of data elements from multiple geographic regions.
4 August /11 Act Requirements TSA and industry are required to achieve the mandate of the 9/11 Act, which requires 100% physical screening, commensurate with passenger checked baggage, of all cargo uplifted on passenger aircraft inbound to the United States. ACAS can provide a vehicle for targeting, but will not replace the TSA physical screening requirements of the 9/11 Act for passenger aircraft. TSA is exploring a risk-based approach to enable industry to achieve this mandate. This risk-based approach will initially be a TSA program-based approach moving in parallel with the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) pilot towards a fully implemented data-driven program.