Outline of the Presentation Background Principles of APRM Four Themes of APRM Operational structure of APRM Status of implementation Challenges Overcoming challenges Conclusion 2
3 As Africa entered the new millennium, it was faced with development challenges exacerbated by a range of factors including conflict, gender imbalance, poverty, institutional decay, leadership and managerial deficit, endemic corruption and economic mismanagement. The African Union Heads of State and Government Summit held in Lusaka, Zambia in July 2001, adopted a strategic framework for rebirth and renewal for Africa-- The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in effort to address the above challenges. The APRM was thereafter established and inaugurated in 2003 for advancing good governance in Africa. BACKGROUND
4 Principles of APRM It is a voluntary self monitoring tool acceded to by member states of the African Union. The core principles of APRM are technically competent, credible and free from political manipulation. APRM advocates for active participation of all national stakeholders, including parliament, media, government bodies, private sector, Civil society organizations etc.
Four themes of APRM Democracy and Political Governance with objectives of addressing conflicts; constitutional democracy; Cultural and Political rights; effective public service; separation of powers; rights of women, children and other vulnerable groups such as refugees and IDPs Economic Management and Governance dealing with promotion of macro-economic policies, fighting corruption and money laundering, transparency, sound public finance management as well as promoting regional integration. Corporate Governance which aims at ensuring enabling environment for business, adoption of codes, ethics and good corporate citizenry as well as social responsibility. Socio-economic Development is aimed at self-reliance and sustaining development, strengthening policies, delivery of social services and combating HIV/Aids, accessibility to services such as water, electricity, markets ICT as well as promotion of gender equality. 5
6 The overall responsibility of the APRM is vested in the Committee of Participating Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the APRM (APRM Forum). A Committee of Focal Points of all APRM member countries, responsible for finance and administration matters of the APRM The Panel of Eminent Persons (APRM Panel) appointed by the Heads of States oversees the conduct of the APRM process and ensures its integrity. The APR Secretariat provides the secretarial, technical, coordinating and administrative support services for the APRM. STRUCTURES OF THE APRM
APRM Structures Country Level APR Forum APR Panel APR Secretariat Continental Level National APRM Commission APRM Focal Point National APRM Secretariat Technical Research Institutions APR Focal Points Strategic partner Institutions: UNECA, AfDB, UNDP
8 Status of Implementation To date, 34 Member States of the AU have voluntarily acceded to the APRM: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, São Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zambia. 17 countries have completed the first review process and have been peer reviewed by the APR Forum: Ghana, Rwanda, Kenya, South Africa, Algeria, Benin, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Mali, Mozambique, Lesotho, Mauritius, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Zambia and Tanzania. Countries such as Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, and Uganda, who have completed the first cycle of implementation of their NPOA are now preparing for a second review.
9 SOME CHALLENGES FACING APRM Organizing national structures such as designating a Focal Point, establishing National Commission is still a challenge, Funding and Resource mobilization for the exercise Understanding and undertaking the self-assessment exercise as well as adapting the questionnaire Drafting appropriate NPOA is still a problem to some countries Continuity of National Council/Commission Involving all stakeholders in the mechanism. Complying with the timeframe of the review exercise
10 OVERCOMING CHALLENGES Simplifying questionnaire and translating into local languages Securing funding such as establishing a Trust Fund Involving TRIs in the development of the NPOA Countries need to be sensitised by the Advance Missions and assist to establish concrete structures Follow-up Missions – to ignite stalled processes to catch up with timeframes Need for sensitising on the NPOAs. Involvement of all stakeholders in the process
11 CONCLUSION Despite its shortcomings, the APRM is unprecedented tool of governance in the history of this continent and even in the world. The APRM is a promising tool to identify key areas of intervention of governance and to set priorities for reform in Africa. All stakeholders including parliamentarians, CSOs, government, private, media need to embrace and support it for realisation of good governance on the continent. With the APRM, Africa is show-casing the continent’s innovative thinking on governance.
Thank you for your kind attention. CONTACT: APRM SECRETARIAT P.O.BOX 1234, MIDRAND, SOUTH AFRICA TEL FAX: