Becoming a signatory to The Local Authority Business Waste Recycling Commitment Name of officer presenting Date of presentation
Purpose of this presentation Provide information to members and decision makers on The Business Waste Recycling Commitment and its benefits Identify the Commitment principles that this authority will sign up to Seek approval to sign up to these principles Outline the next steps
Aims of the Commitment To boost recycling amongst SMEs in line with Government strategies –By increasing SME awareness of their responsibilities –By assisting businesses to manage resources sustainably To increase business customer satisfaction and confidence in waste services we provide
About the Commitment Developed by Local and National Government in conjunction with WRAP and industry representatives There are 12 principles to businesses including provide: –customer satisfaction and transparency, –recycling collection services, –use of HWRCs, –information on local waste/recycling/re-use services and key legislation We do not need to sign up to all principles We can signpost to other available services
Benefits of signing up Prestige and good PR Retain customers and attract new ones Raise service standards across the sector Reduce mis-use of household services Improve business resource efficiency Support re-use and the third sector Reduce waste to landfill
Fit with our strategies This slide could be populated with your local strategies, for example: 1.Environmental and sustainability strategies 2.Recycling and waste avoidance to landfill strategies 3.Economic development/regeneration strategies for supporting local businesses 4.Social development strategies which support the development of the local third sector (through reuse)
Our proposed Commitments You could include in here the list of principles that you would like to sign up to, and if you feel appropriate, an overview of how you meet them
Auditing and reporting This is a voluntary Commitment and there is no reporting or auditing required We decide how we meet the principles and which principles we sign up to WRAP is looking for us to voluntarily provide them with information about good practice that we are driving through this Commitment There is no charge to sign up
Support and tools WRAP has a support package to help us meet the Commitment’s principles including: –Training –Guidance documents –Case studies –Marketing materials –One-to-one fully funded support
Next steps We have customised a copy of the Commitment for our authority The portfolio holder/ lead member for waste/recycling must sign the document We should let WRAP know so they can add details of our authority to the list of signatories We will then publicise our Commitment