NFPA zThe Standards-Making Process yPeer-Based yVoluntary yOverseen by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) yNo “NFPA 1600 Cops”
zHow an Idea Becomes an NFPA Document… yPerson or organization identifies a need. yNeed is presented to the NFPA Standards Council. If approved; yTechnical Committee is organized. yRecommendation for new document is published in professional journals. yCommittee meets to review proposals, develop its own proposals, and prepare report. NFPA
zHow an Idea Becomes an NFPA Document…(continued) yCommittee votes on proposals. If approved; yReport on Proposal published for public review and comment. yCommittee meets to act on each public comment received. yCommittee votes on actions taken on public comments. If approved; yReport on Comments published for public review. yNFPA membership votes on Committee report or adopts document. NFPA
zTypes of NFPA Documents- yRecommended Practice (you should) yStandard (you must or shall) NFPA
zHow is the NFPA 1600 Committee Organized? yUsers-representatives of entities subject to, or voluntarily using the document yEnforcers-representatives of entities that promulgate or enforce standards ySpecial Experts-Persons not representing any other classification, but who have special expertise in the scope of the document yInsurance-representatives of insurance companies or inspection agencies. zCommittee must have roughly equal numbers of each classification. NFPA
zHow Do You Read an NFPA Document? yAll NFPA documents follow the same format. yOnly the Chapters proper have the force of the standard. yNumbers followed by asterisks* refer the reader to additional information in the Appendices. Information found in appendices or footnotes are for explanatory or supporting purposes. This information does NOT have the force of the standard. NFPA
zThe History of NFPA 1600 yCommittee “Chartered” in y1st document issued as a Recommended Practice in yRe-written and issued as a Standard in April NFPA
zWho does NFPA 1600 Apply to? yAny public or private entity that is required to develop emergency response plans by agency/company policy, legislation, regulation, or code. NFPA
zDoes My Company, Jurisdiction or Agency have to Adopt NFPA 1600? yNo. Adoption of any NFPA Standard is voluntary. However… yNFPA Standards are generally accepted as industry standards. In the unlikely event that your program ends up in court, it may be compared to it. NFPA
zWhat is Required Under NFPA 1600? yProgram Management xPolicy xProgram Coordinator xProgram Committee xProgram Assessment NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yComply with existing laws and authorities NFPA 1600 is an umbrella. Whatever regulations, codes, standards or practices you are currently required to follow remain in place. NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yHazard identification and risk assessment xLikelihood xVulnerability xImpact NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yHazard mitigation strategy xBased on the results of the hazard and vulnerability analysis NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yResource management process xTied to identified hazards xIdentifies resource shortfalls and alternate sources or strategies xIncludes a current inventory of internal and external resources xAddresses donations xProvides for mutual aid NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yWritten Plans xstrategic, xoperations, xmitigation, xrecovery plans yRoles and responsibilities yLines of authority NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yDirection, Control and Coordination xUse an incident management system (such as ICS) xIdentifies level of implementation depending on severity of the incident and capability of the entity xCoordinates response, continuity and recovery activities with appropriate internal and external agencies xComplies with applicable statutes or regulations. NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yCommunication and Warning xAlert responders and officials xWarn those who may be impacted by a disaster xMust be formally developed and tested NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yOperations and Procedures xLife-safety procedures to identify and track responders xSpecific to identified hazards xDamage assessment and situation analysis xTransition to recovery NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yLogistics and Facilities xProcedures to locate, acquire, distribute and account for resources needed to support the program xFacility (EOC) identified, equipped, tested, and maintained. NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yTraining Program xDevelop and enhance the skills needed to develop, implement, maintain and execute the program xProgram will identify frequency and scope of training xMust include training in the jurisdiction’s incident management system xRecord keeping NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yExercises, Evaluations, Corrective Actions xShall include assessment of plans, procedures and capabilities xShall include periodic reviews, testing, post- incident reports, performance evaluations, and exercises xShall include procedures to ensure corrective action on identified deficiencies NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yCrisis Communications, Public Education and Information. xProcedures for dealing with the media xProcedures for dissemination of pre-disaster, disaster, and post disaster information to the public and media xEducation for at-risk population NFPA
zProgram Must Include the Following Elements: yFinance and Administration. xProcedures to support the program before, during and after a disaster or emergency xProper accounting principles xIdentifies financial opportunities and limitations NFPA