2 I.Background II.APRM in Kenya III.APRM’s Contributions in Kenya IV.2 nd APRM Review Process V.Challenges PRESENTATION OUTLINE
3 Introduction: The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is a mutually agreed instrument voluntarily acceded to by the member states of the African Union (AU) as a self-monitoring mechanism. The four thematic pillars of the APRM are: Political Governance, Economic Management, Corporate Governance and Socio-economic Development Key value of APRM continentally is clear in a number of countries including Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana, among others. It depends on what country decides!!!! BACKGROUND
4 5. Country Review Visit 6. Submission of Report to APR Panel for transmission to APR Forum 8. Implementation of the National Programme of Action 4. Validation of Technical Assessment by key actors 2. Country Support Mission 3. Technical Assessment and development of NPA 1. Assessment Preparatory Processes MONITORING&REVIEWMONITORING&REVIEW PROCESS OUTLINE
BACKGROUND Kenya voluntarily acceded to the APRM in March 2003 in Abuja, Nigeria; The Ministry then established the institutional and structural frameworks for the implementation of the APRM; Kenya conducted a self-assessment exercise after which an 18- member Country Review Team (CRT) visited Kenya and developed the Country Review Report; The Kenya Country Review Report was tabled in Banjul, the Gambia by H.E Hon. Mwai Kibaki on the 30 June 2006; Kenya continues to prepare and submit APRM Progress Reports at successive APRM Heads of State Summits
6 KENYAN STRUCTURE LEAD TECHNICAL AGENCIES NATIONAL GOVERNING COUNCIL APRM-Kenya SECRETARIAT Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) Economic Governance and Management Center for Corporate Governance (CCG) Corporate Governance Institute for Development Studies (IDS) Socio-Economic Development African Center for Economic Growth (ACEG) Democracy & Good Political Governance Thematic Groups/Convenors Ministry of Planning & National Development
7 Three APRM Progress reports: Kenya has submitted a six months Progress Report (June January 2007) Tabled the Annual Progress Report covering June June 2007 at the 6th APR Heads of State Forum in Accra, Ghana in July Kenya’s progress report covering the period June 2006 – June 2008 was discussed during the 10th Committee of participating Heads of State and Government of the African Peer Review Forum held in January 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. PROGRESS REPORTS
9 On going Activities for 2009 The 2 nd Review of the APRM Process in Kenya (16 th – 30 th Nov. 2009); Focus on Democracy and Political Governance, entrench the on going reform processes firmly into the APRM, review the APRM National program of Action. Mid-term evaluation of the impact of the APRM in Kenya- (Analysis of APRM NPOA, Review); Implementation of a comprehensive Information, Education, Communication and Advocacy strategy Engage with Government Focal Points to provide feedback and enhance linkages with current Government programmes UPCOMING ACTIVITIES
10 Vision 2030 building on APRM pillars; Presidential directive to have 30% women recruited into public positions; Establishment of the Ministry for Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands, Ministry of Youth, Public Service Transformation units; Formulation of a National Land Policy process Reform agenda driven by findings of APRM Country review report 2006 (Kriegler and Waki Reports) Country Review Report widely used by stakeholders and CSOs as valid reference document VALUE OF APRM
11 Weak buy-in at political level Misconception of APRM still exist Bureaucratic bottlenecks in NPOA implementation Unpredictable political environment Insufficient and unpredictable funding from partners Fixed funding by Government since 2003 CHALLENGES
12 END Asante Sana!