Academic Update Common Core Transition
What is the Common Core?
Common Core The Common Core Initiative is a state-led effort for K - 12th grade in English language arts and mathematics States voluntarily adopt the Common Core to replace current state standards
Common Core Arizona signed on in 2010
What is the History Behind the Common Core?
History 45 states, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense have adopted the Common Core State Standards
What is the Goal of the Common Core?
Goal Consistent standards and expectations across states All students college and career-ready
What is Different with the Common Core?
Differences Many more word problems Several skills used to solve these problems Writing about mathematical thinking Modeling/application in a real-world scenario
STUDENTS MUST: Understand why the math works and make the math work Talk about why the math works Prove that they know why and how the math works
Is Your Child Ready?
Prepared Problem of the Week (POW) Real-world problems New Formatives New Benchmarks
What Can We Expect?
Expectations Students will have a greater understanding of mathematics Scores will look different More students might be in Reteach Success will require students to struggle
The Motto of the Vail School District Where Education Is A Community Effort