2004 District 12 Leadership Conference Hotel Westminster – Nice (France) Section & District Programming Bianca Scholten The Netherlands section Public Relations
Section & District Programming n Workshop n 40 minutes n Discuss possible section & district events, share experiences n Promote events beyond the section n Expected outcome u List of possible events and their perceived value u Establish a shared agenda?
1. Sections programming (20 minutes) n Current activites n Future activities
Current activities Sections Has your section organized any seminars, conferences, training courses, work shops? Topics? n How many people attended? n Financed? n Any other activities? n Will you continue these activities? Why (not)?
Future activities Sections Which kind of activities? n Topics? n Which topics do you think are people interested in currently? n Attendance: trend? Financing of events, any ideas? (e.g. sponsors - table tops)
Expected outcome of this discussion n List of possible events and their perceived value n Establish a shared agenda? n …
2. District Programming (20 minutes) This part of this presentation was developed by Jean- Pierre HAUET, France Section President Elect n Facts n What can we do? n Discussion
Some facts(1) u Sections should be encouraged to organize more technical events (conferences, seminars, training courses etc.) u But organizing such events represents a tremendous effort on a voluntarily basis u The corresponding packages could benefit to a larger audience u Mutualizing some efforts at the District level can be a solution for spreading the burden and improving the ROI
Some facts(2) u Relying only on ISA US materials is not sufficient and sometimes not relevant. For example: in wireless communications, regulations significantly differ in Europe and in the US u Organizing events labelled and sponsored by the District would increase District’s legitimacy u Such District event would be an opportunity for developing exchanges between Sections
Wat can we do? (1) u Organizing a District event must be a win/win initiative for all parties involved, u A Section should take the leadership of such an initiative but should receive support from: F The District: labellisation, advertisement, financing, translation into English, diffusion via Internet Note: Translation remains a key issue for non English speaking countries F The other interested Sections: participation in the budget and/or in the setting up of the event (papers, lecturers), active promotion
Wat can we do? (2) u At least two kinds of events can be envisaged: F « international conferences » organized once in a given place, but with an audience as large as possible, F «local conferences », but of general interest, replicated several times in different locations, possibly in different languages u In any case, participating parties (at least the District and one section) should agree before launching the initiative on the role of each of them, on their respective rights and obligations and on the way other Sections may use the outputs. General guidelines could be written for avoiding rediscussing the same matters at each time.
Wat can we do? (3) u This general approach should be field tested before being more widely implemented u If certain Sections are interested in such a cooperation under the District aegis, they could form an informal committee and start discussing: F which initiative could be launched (capitalizing on or replicating a preexisting event would certainly facilitate) F the guidelines which should govern « District intiatives ».
Discussion (1) n Which sections are interested in mutualizing efforts at a District level? n Organize events with other organisations, like WBF? n Exchanges between sections: examples?
Discussion (2) n District responsibilities? (PR, financing, internet) n Language n Topics which are in general interesting for District 12 countries n International conferences n Local conferences of general interest
Discussion (3) n Volunteer for District 12 Program Chairman? n Volunteers for further discussion of this matter?
Questions n Any other questions or suggestions about these subject? n Thanks for sharing your ideas!