You don’t understand what it’s like It’s been a battle to get any help at all
Before Aiming High for Disabled Children, we had: a very high threshold for accessing social care families battling for support over dependency on expensive specialist services culture of segregated service provision approximately 350 families getting social care support
We aimed to : develop better partnerships with families use proportionate assessments and make plans that recognise the whole of people’s lives make it easy to access to community arts, sports activities, child care and leisure build community and family support networks promote families being in control support approximately 1000 families to access short breaks
Thank you for all your support and kindness. You have been our rock. Dearest Laura, We are really so very grateful for your advice and support over it is a great relief to us to deal with someone who acts with not only professionalism but also genuine, understanding and caring. Better partnerships...
Community Lead Professionals: simplifying access to support community lead professionals Tier 2/3 needs prevention & short breaks social workers Tier 3/4 – statutory & complex needs - life-limited children, sudden catastrophic trauma, LAC, safeguarding, transition CAF core assessment
We had no reason to be a welcoming family – another day lost from repeating our story yet again. Jane cut through our hostility by not promising us the world, by offering empathy not sympathy, by being objective and not patronising. She spoke to us on a professional level and not the seeming special needs level pasted onto parents who have children with special needs (they must have special needs as well!) which we had experienced with previous workers. We are indeed lucky to have Jane. Families more in control...
What We Put in Place Evaluation of outcomes achieved Creation of database (BIBO) Working with extended services in clusters Supporting professionals in mainstream settings and special schools to use CAF for disabled children and young people Design and delivery of CAF training for professionals working with disabled children and young people Identifying gaps to inform Commissioning Regular attendance at Children & Young Peoples Action Groups throughout the county to advocate for disabled children and young people Rolled out inclusion training for mainstream providers Funding inclusion grant
Dearest Sharon, Knowing you has made me hopeful again Ta lots. You’re fab. Thanks a million xx You have single- handedly restored my faith in the Council
Example of a Support Plan Outcomes to meet identified need Type of ProvisionAnnual CostBudget UsedService Mum can say one activity child does at the weekend and holidays and say how she knows child enjoyed it Carer for 3 hours alternate weekends Carer for 6 hours per week in school holidays £ £200 lump sum £ Short Breaks Social Care Mum can show me child’s fully functional bed Referral to Children’s Community Nursing Team NilHealth Mum can say child has a car seat fitted by a suitably qualified person and appears happier in the car now Purchase car set£411.00BHLPSocial Care Mum can say how child gets to places she was previously not able to and one benefit to the family Referral to wheelchair assessment centre NilHealth
Example of a Support Plan Outcomes to meet identified need Type of ProvisionAnnual CostBudget UsedService Child can say one friend he has made at his new school Child can say one friend he has made and what he does in the holidays that he enjoys and who takes him School to help child make friends at school 1:1 support for child to access youth club & activities during holidays Nil £ lump sum £ Short Breaks Education Social Care Parents can say they have a heating system that keeps the family home warm Part funding towards cost of a new boiler £250.00BHLPSocial Care Parents can say who cared for child whilst he recovered from major surgery to give parents a break 4 hours nursing care per week for 3 weeks £247.58Short BreaksHealth/Social Care Parents and child can say where they go and what they do together Part funding towards specialist buggy £200.00BHLPSocial Care
Dear Sharron, My mummy said you helped me get my laptop. Thank you! I love it! It’s red and it sleeps in my bedroom every night. It’s the best thing I’ve got. Thank you for letting me go to brownies to. I am sending some photos of me at brownies. Thank you. Much love from P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Better partnership with young people...
CLP Team – Data Summary The following slides give a flavour of the data on demographics, activity, spend and impact of GCC’s CLP Team
Demographics & Caseloads
Thank you for the hockey table. I have had good fun with [brother] and Daddy. When you visit I will challenge you and I will win! Please visit again soon! Dear Laura, thank you for the holiday. I did every one activities. I really like the seling [sailing] because it was fab. I make friends. THANK YOU.
Measuring Impact
Evaluation & RAS Tool “Parent Perception” questions giving rise to results on following slides “Level of Support” questions giving rise to RAS and Indicative Budget
Thank you for taking so much time to discuss matters today, your practical and understanding approach is certainly helpful and empowering as you do listen to the difficulties and offer information voluntarily to make informed decisions. I really do feel strongly about the positive impact your support has offered.
Just wanted to tell you about the wonderful morning A and I had today. We had a lovely helper today and she really managed to get him to listen and he actually sat on the horse and rode!!! He was so chuffed that the look on his face was one of sheer pride, such a boost for his confidence! I never thought I would see the day, I couldn’t stop the tears, I was so grateful and happy. I can’t thank you enough for all the wonderful support and opportunities you have given us.