Radon in New Home Construction: 2014 National Healthy Homes Conference Nashville, TN Moving on from Appendix F in the IRC
Radon The Problem 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year Leading environmental cause of cancer mortality More high homes now despite good progress The Solution The fix is straight forward, time-tested, and durable. 7M
Two Ways to Reduce High Homes Convince millions of Americans to voluntarily test and fix Build homes with radon-resistant features Takes longer to fix the problem Much cheaper
Benefits of RRNC in Codes Building codes carry the force of law. Verifiable, enforceable requirements. True radon risk reduction. Testing required for occupancy permit. Increased consumer awareness.
Question: Is it OK to push for radon code requirements? EPA thinks yes: Compelling health case Quality code-ready ANSI and ASTM standards in place 2 national groups that certify Differing state and local policies Simple and readily available materials BUT....
There are Definite Obstacles Adds cost to the homePoor success rate thus far at ICC levelOpposition from NAHB Growing number of voluntarily-built RRNC homes
International Code Council Develops, publishes, updates 15 codes Membership: – Code agencies/officials – Builders, architects, industry Result of 1995 merger of BOCA, the Southern Building Council, ICBO – Move from regional codes to one national
Role of the ICC Codes Provide communities with turnkey product: – Expertise from on-the-ground – Protective as but not more strict than most – Palatable for elected officials Many local and state policies are only as protective as model codes
ICC Codes’ Impact Code State-Wide As Published by ICC State-Wide with Modifications Local Use Only Total Building Code Residential Code Mechanical Code Plumbing Property Maintenance Existing Building
ICC Code Change Process: Iterative, Linear Code Change Proposals – January ICC Committee Hearing – Spring Public “Comments” – edit or resubmit code change proposals Final Action Hearing – Fall 2015 = IBC (multifamily) 2016 = IRC (1&2 family)
IRC Appendix F - Background IRAA – Model Code Adopted – early 1990s Voluntary (Appendix) – Jurisdictions must opt in RRNC (passive only) – No testing provision Zone 1 only
IRC Appendix F Code Change Proposal October, 2009 ICC Committee Hearing Proposal to move Appendix F to body of code - did not pass Led to development of AART/ ANSI RRNC 2.o Mitigation Standard
RRNC 2.0 RRNC 2.0 is an AARST/ANSI “Model Code” standard for the installation of radon control means and testing of new construction. RRNC 2.0 is a consensus standard developed by a committee of radon professionals, builders, architects, consumer advocates and state & federal government.
RRNC 2.0 Intended to replace Appendix F in the body of the International Residential Code. Jurisdictions in EPA zones 1 & 2 would have to “Opt Out” of this requirement.
RRNC 2.0 in IRC IRC Committee Hearing April, 2013 Did not pass. IRC Final Action Hearing October, 2013 Committee Upheld
RRNC 2.0 in Massachusetts Proposal to Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS). June, 2013 Did not pass (3-4 vote) BBRS to look at adopting Appendix F
The State-by-State Approach
Local/State Code Change Process: Random, Opportunistic Research: process, players Outreach to decision-making body Outreach to those who appoint decision-makers Reach out to code officials/chapters Identify/recruit other allies Lung Association, CANSAR, industry, Asthma groups Submit code change proposal
Key Points to Move Beyond Appendix F Need for radon risk reduction Appendix F’s disadvantages/danger State/Local adoption of CCAH – Requirement, or at least update appendix Future ICC code change opportunities
Discussion What’s happening with codes locally? What do you need to advance adoption of RRNC? Myth versus fact
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