Runaways and the ICJ 2013 Annual Business Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

Runaways and the ICJ 2013 Annual Business Meeting

When should runaways be held in secure facilities? What if a runaway alleges abuse? How do I handle a runaway who refuses to return voluntarily? Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 2

Holding Runaways in Secure Detention Runaways are held in secure facilities if: They are held longer than 24 hours, They are endangering themselves or others Juveniles who do not return voluntarily may be held in detention up to 90 calendar days OJJDP Exclusion : Juveniles held pursuant to the ICJ are excluded from the deinstitutionalization of status offenders requirements Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 3

Allegations of Abuse or Neglect Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 4 If a runaway alleges abuse or neglect, the holding state ICJ office contacts the home/demanding state ICJ office If the juvenile is not returning to a parent or legal guardian, the court or appropriate authority in the home/demanding state court initiates the requisition process

Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 5 Runaway Scenario Breakouts GroupLeaderRoom 1Jean HallAbbey North 2Maria Genca JoAnn Niksa Colonnade 3Pat PendergastCavetto 4Maureen BlahaCampanile Please return to Abbey South at 11:00 AM

Scenario 1 Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 6 A non-delinquent juvenile travels from Wisconsin to Michigan with a non-custodial parent for a visit The non-custodial parent leaves the juvenile in Michigan The police detain the juvenile The custodial parent remains in Wisconsin

Scenario 2 Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 7 Ohio State Police picks up a 14 year-old non-delinquent runaway from Indiana NCIC confirms juvenile ran away from Indiana Law enforcement place juvenile in shelter Both ICJ Offices request juvenile be held in secure detention Law enforcement refuses the request

Scenario 3 Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 8 A juvenile from North Carolina enters a residential mental health facility in Alabama, under ICPC Juvenile runs away after one week in the facility Police find and detain the juvenile

New Rule: ICPC Recognition New Rule: ICPC Recognition Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 9 “ICJ recognizes the authority of ICPC under Article V of the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children and supports their authority to return ICPC youth who have run away from their out-of-state placement resulting in a demand for their return by the sending state. In the event a juvenile is held in a secure facility beyond twenty-four (24) hours (excluding weekends and holidays), the appropriate provisions of the ICJ rules shall apply.”

Scenario 4 Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 10 An 19-year old juvenile is picked up in California (age of majority = 18) Investigation reveals the juvenile is an adjudicated delinquent that escaped from Louisiana (age of majority = 21) No charges are pending in California The juvenile refuses to return voluntarily

Q & A Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities 11