Courtney Anstett, M.S. Service-Learning Coordinator Norwalk Community College Bringing Service and Learning Together
Traditional vs. Non-traditional Service-Learning Traditional Service-Learning: Students to voluntarily engage in course-related service. Each traditional Service-Learning course is matched, based on its course goals and objectives, with organizations in need around the community. They believe that it encourages a deeper sense of learning and the Service-Learning students bring a different dynamic to the classroom, which benefits classroom discussions. Students complete 20 hours of direct service per semester (2 hours per week for 10 weeks). Students work independently in the community based on their schedule (outside of class time). Faculty members arrange for students to not do additional work just a different type of work. Non-traditional Service-Learning: Project-based Service is incorporated into the course during class time. All students participate in the project. Usually consists of entire semester or a majority of it. Students can work independently or in small groups on more indirect service projects.
Faculty Testimonials I think S-L has been a “win-win” for the marketing students at NCC. Students improve their critical thinking skill and problem solving skills extensively. –Marketing Faculty I think S-L is an excellent option for students. Students are able to appreciate the importance of using the language. –Spanish Faculty Students who participate are able to apply concepts learned in class and work hands on with a variety of people from different economic, social, and cultural backgrounds. –Human Services Faculty My students were delighted to be a part of this initiative. Service-Learning opens students’ eyes to a variety of situations they are usually unfamiliar with. –English Faculty Although it was time consuming as an instructor, it was worth it. This was a valuable experience for my students to professionally critique and debate ES strategies. –Exercise Science Faculty
Benefits of Teaching with Service-Learning can: Encourage interactive teaching methods and reciprocal learning between students and faculty Add new insights and dimensions to class discussions Lead to new avenues for research and publication Promote students' active learning; engage students with different learning styles Develop students' civic and leadership skills Provide networking opportunities with engaged faculty in other disciplines Foster relationships between faculty and community organizations, which can open other opportunities for collaborative work Provide firsthand knowledge of community issues; provide opportunities to be more involved in community issues
Volunteers assist in providing quality programs and services to the Spanish speaking senior participants. This includes social, recreational, and educational programs. The Service-Learning Project is an opportunity for students to practice their Spanish and learn about the Spanish speaking culture by interacting with the seniors at the center. The project represents experiential learning – or put another way, learning by doing. Students complete oral histories for the seniors to preserve their past for future generations. Bringing Service and Learning Together Educational Objective Elementary Spanish I & II students will demonstrate effective communication skills in Spanish through their ability to listen, read, write and speak clearly. Students will learn more about different Spanish speaking countries, cultures, and traditions. Community Need Service-Learning Strategy
Assist people who generally make $53,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns The Service-Learning Project is the key opportunity for students, through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, to apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom in serving the community and the enhancement of their interpersonal skills in dealing with tax clients with real issues. Students were trained by the IRS and was required to pass IRS certification exams through basic, intermediate and advanced levels. Students completed and electronically filed federal income tax returns. Bringing Service and Learning Together Educational Objective Students from the Federal Income Tax I and II classes who are enrolled in the Accounting Career or Accounting Certificate Programs learn basic understanding of federal income taxes for individuals and partnerships. Community Need Service-Learning Strategy
A way to market their services in a more effective and economical way using a variety of outlets including social media and materials to help expand their capacity for growth. The Service-Learning Project is the key opportunity for students to apply marketing concepts presented in class to problems and opportunities as they exist within businesses today. The project represents experiential learning – or put another way, learning by doing. Students get exposure to: Working as part of a team to identify and propose solutions to business problems Understanding the role of marketing as a business advisor Developing recommendations based on marketing methodology Presenting their ideas to an audience including their Service- Learning ‘client.’ Bringing Service and Learning Together Educational Objective Students enrolled in Principles of Marketing need to apply what they are learning about marketing research and strategy to real-life situations. Community Need Service-Learning Strategy