Phishing Scams use spoofed s and websites as lures to prompt people to voluntarily hand over sensitive information Phishing s may contain links to websites that are infected with malware Phishing is typically carried out by spoofing or instant messaging and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Spoofed s looks like it comes from bank, credit card company, etc.It Provides a hyperlink to a web page which obtains victims sensitive information like username,password etc.,
Some of the phrases within the Phishing s are like Verify your account You have won the lottery. If you don't respond within 48 hours, your account will be closed. Check the link You can spot a fake link or button by hovering your mouse over without clicking. Microsoft Outlook and most browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome will show the hyperlink in the bottom left corner of your screen