Tying legs Automumificarea Eunuchs Satie Tibetan celestial burial For neck rings Female genital mutilation Voodoo
-Tying the legs was a custom practiced for more than a thousand years to China from the tenth century and ending in the twentieth century -The mother was in charge of this ritual, which began late autumn or winter, so cold to anesthesia pain. Girl feet were first allowed in a bowl with hot water or hot animal blood and herbs for several hours. This special blend makes the skin fall dead instantly. I cut the nails as short as possible to avoid them grow leg meat after foot caught another form
-This custom was practiced by Buddhist monks who were causing his death sokushinbutsu mumificandu is alive. This practice occur mainly in northern Japan, Yamagata city is found between 16 and 24 such mummies - Buddhist priests for three years kept a special diet based on nuts and seeds, food accompanied by lots of movement and intense physical activity to lose total body fat. Then after a period of another three years who ate only roots and bark while drinking a poisonous tea made from the sap of Urushi tree, normally used to lacquered dishes. This causes them to vomit every day and lose body fluids very quickly, especially,
-Eunuch is a man who was castrated in order to play a special role in society, this practice is a habit so prevalent in many societies and in the past. Castration in ancient China was both a traditional punishment (until the Sui Dynasty) and a way to find your work at the imperial court -Eunuchs castrated before puberty and had a higher value is considered exceptional looking for their voice. Such eunuchs were known as "neutered." If their decision to be castrated was not theirs, but is at an early age when the boy was not aware what it means to sacrifice sexual potency. After this sacrifice there is no guarantee that after this operation the voice did not change in adulthood.
-Satie was a Hindu funeral custom now very rare and considered a very serious criminal act in India, where widowed husband committed suicide during aruncad funeral is over his body during incineration. The sacrifice must be done voluntarily, and as stories tell who survived, even the act was done voluntarily. But the question you really do widows contient act voluntarily, or were inoculated by tradition and by society.
-Celestial burial or ritual dissection was once a common practice in Tibet. Body was cut into pieces which were placed on mountain tops, exposed in front of nature and animals, especially birds of prey. Monk portioned main body and gave each some monks who were his assistants. They lubricate every part of the body with a special cream (made of flour, tea, milk or yak butter) and only then gave an offering of eagles. The bones were scattered, mixed with the
-This custom is still little practice by women Padaung tribe. The first ring girls make when they are only 5 years. Over the years, more and more rings are added. The rings come to weigh up to 9 kg. Shoulders are pushed down due to weight such as neck rings, making it appear longer. Material they are made rings and their number shows the status of the family face.
-It is one of the traditions which practice cruel today affecting over 80 million women and girls in the world. It is practiced by a large number of ethnic groups in more than 30 countries. Due to the impact on physical and mental health of women and girls, FGM has begun to constitute a concern for doctors is making increasingly campaigns more serious to stop this practice. Doctors everywhere are faced with the effects of the practice tradition
-What is vodoo? - Tribal rhythms, puppet magic rituals are invoked forces unknown... hehe Voodoo practices for those not involved. Very few people actually know what was going on. "Religion quot; Voodoo has always been shrouded in mystery and has inspired fear among those who do not know, but hear about paranormal phenomena aroused by those who practice
-Voodoo, like Christianity, Islam or Judaism is a monotheistic religion, the supreme god controlling everything from power and will. But apart from this there are a large number of "spirits" called "Loa", each with its own role, which people try to ingratiate itself with prayer. They control the land, health, world, fertility and other aspects of life, having the power to influence good or bad in every aspect. -A religion developed in an area where strange diseases are constantly appearing, and living conditions were that the average age of a human life is 35 years, had to rely on curative methods. Approximately 60% of practices are not only mysterious rituals that invoke the divine forces to restore patient health. Using herbs and other medicines made by priests, but today they are accepted and medicines. Myth of death is also part of religion. SPS is
by david