To Work or Not To Work Team: Winners Team Team: Winners Team Country: Morocco Country: Morocco That is the question School: ESCA Management school School: ESCA Management school Mentor: Mme I. El GHAZALI Mentor: Mme I. El GHAZALI
Increase of: Poverty Social disparities Crime, Drug addiction Brain drain Immigration Depression, suicide Increase of: Poverty Social disparities Crime, Drug addiction Brain drain Immigration Depression, suicide Decrease of: employability Living standards Demand, consumption GDP Demographic growth Decrease of: employability Living standards Demand, consumption GDP Demographic growth The high hiring costs. School and college dropouts. Insufficient investment in big industries. Business concentration in big cities. Insufficient investments in small cities. The economic crisis and recession. Lack of encouragement for innovation. The technical evolution of productivity. The difficulty to find the needed competencies. Youth unemployment is a very serious problem
Population over 15 years old: Active population: Unemployed: Statistics as of Mars % of the Moroccan active population is aged between 15 and 29 years old. These young people can be engines of growth, and a source of innovation and productivity. Yet according to the world-bank, 30% of these young Moroccans are neither working, nor in school, 80% of them don’t have any secondary education, and graduates represent 5%. Scary numbers! Wouldn’t you say?! More than all that we have a very high percentage of these young people who choose not to work until they find the jobs they want. They are voluntarily unemployed even though they are still looking for jobs.
“They are not active job seekers” Unemployment in Morocco is a very serious problem The unemployment numbers hide an even bigger problem because a noticeable number of these young people have voluntarily or out of fatalism deserted the work market and are no longer actively looking for a job. Inger Andersen, vice president of the world bank in middle east and north Africa reported that: “They have given up” There are a lot of types of unemployment though the one that concerns us most is the one that is caused by wrong mentality and untrue beliefs. Prestigious jobs Exaggerated self worth Big salaries No compromise Very little effort
Our research: All of them are graduated and have degrees. More than 50% of them have stopped looking for employment. All of them have had job opportunities that they have turned down. All of them believe that they have unique skills and competencies. They all want their dream job and no compromise is acceptable. None of them is ready to start at the bottom. We held interviews with over 50 unemployed people aged between 21 and 30 and we found that they had a few things in common: On the other hand the annual scientific and educational council of ESCA school of management along with the heads of very known Moroccan and multinational companies have come up with the following: Graduates generally have very high expectations. Their conceptions of the work market are very dreamlike and surreal. They think that all that interest companies is skill and they forgot the importance of character.
The problem that we are facing is not limited to insufficient job offers nor is it constricted on the lack of competencies; and while both are real existing challenges that need to be fought, Our biggest concern is for the mental and social beliefs that make young people's chances at starting a carrier slimmer than they already are. Wrong mentalitySocial pressure What do you do when you start realizing that you are just like everyone else! When you grow up believing how unique you are! What would people say?I am worth much more! Just any Job These young people don’t want Just any Job they want Jobs that they have designed in their heads and they refuse to settle for less.
Success comes with hard work and patience. Having a degree is not enough anymore to earn a job. Good character and motivation can land you your dream job. Our goal is to help these young people understand that: Our Solution Several facets of the problematic are going to be discussed with professionals(professors, executives, psychologists and coaches). An opportunity for unemployed youth with the same problems and the same vision to meet amongst themselves and discuss. Gathering a multitude of experts and known personalities and featuring a diversity of activities and encounters that will benefit the participants. Encouraging youth to take initiatives and make things happen for themselves by giving them guidance to create their own projects. A forum for unemployed youth
The prospect of participating in a reality show that will be posted on the web. PNL coaching, motivation seminars, team building. An official website that members can use to benefit from personalized offers and programs. Competitions for best business plans in order to grant people the opportunity to open a business. Conferences with businessmen who will help young people understand the effort it takes to succeed. Focus on the importance of character and personality not only skills The forum will include: The forum will be held several times a year and it will deal with different types of unemployment.
Change the wrong ideas that prevent young people from starting careers. Make youth see that expectations are far too different from reality. Give the youth a real incite on the work market. Reach a maximum of young people through out the country. Convince unemployed youth of the importance of ambition and commitment. Our objectives Our main objective is to fight this type of mentality Video: lw&
Planed results 100 unemployed young people will be able to participate. 20 people will benefit from a free coaching on how to get a job. 5 people will get assistance on how to create their own business and how to get it financed. People who get a job will be featured on the web site and they will be able to share their experience through videos as inspirational stories. The forum will focus on other types of unemployment in the long run The project will need a team of at least 10 members, who will be engaged and implicated fully. The team will be spending 8 hours a week on the project Planned results People engaged Hours that will be spent