The Evolution of the Trusted Traveler Concept September 2010
John Halinski September Concept Participants voluntarily, and at no cost to the government, provide biographic and biometric data Pre-screening of passengers Issuance of credentials Facilitation of expedited processing Enhanced focus on higher risk passengers
John Halinski September Initial Program Registered Traveler o Private sector companies operated individual programs at several U.S. airports o Annual membership fee (>$150) o Background check conducted o Biometric data provided (fingerprints or iris scan) o Reserved lane and shorter wait
John Halinski September Challenges Cost Limited benefit for travelers Market driven private sector offering in partnership with airlines and airports Service providers obligated to follow data security standards to continue offering service o Use of data, however, is regulated under the provider’s own privacy policy and its relationship with customers and sponsoring airport or airline
John Halinski September Evolution Government program Voluntary Varying fees Expedited processing Minimal questioning
John Halinski September NEXUS Expedited processing and passage by United States and Canadian officials at dedicated lanes Cross the border with a minimum of customs and immigration questioning Biographical background check 10-fingerprint law enforcement check Personal interview with a CBP Officer Radio Frequency Identification card $50 fee
John Halinski September SENTRI Expedited CBP processing for pre-approved, low- risk travelers between the United States and Mexico Biographical background check against criminal, law enforcement, customs, immigration, and terrorist indices 10-fingerprint law enforcement check Personal interview with a CBP Officer Radio Frequency Identification Card $ fee ($25 application, $17.25 fingerprint, $80 systems cost)
John Halinski September Global Entry CBP program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States Background check Interview Photo and fingerprint Participants may enter the United States by using automated kiosks located at select airports $100 fee
John Halinski September Next Steps Balance security and facilitation Focus on high risk passengers Ensure the security and integrity of our borders Build on lessons learned from current programs