The Muscular System 6.02 B- Understanding Equine Anatomy By
Red, lean meat Compose about 50% of the equine’s total body weight Stimulated to contract or change shape by nerve impulses from the brain and in turn send nerve impulses back to brain indicating the degree of contraction so that movement is smooth MUSCLES ARE:
1) Sometimes called visceral muscle. 2) Found in the digestive system and in the uterus of females. 3) Capable of prolonged activity without fatigue. 2- SMOOTH MUSCLES ARE INVOLUNTARY!
1) Found only in the heart. 2) Contractions of the cardiac muscle require no nerve stimulus. 3) Contractions are rhythmic and require no conscious control. B- CARDIAC MUSCLE IS INVOLUNTARY STRIATED SECTION OF AORTA
usually attached to bones of the skeletal system either directly or by tendons act voluntarily. C- STRIATED OR SKELETAL MUSCLAR
1) Bones serve as levers and the muscles move the body voluntarily under the direct control of the will. 2) Skeletal muscles are usually arranged in opposite sets so that one set of muscles bend the limb (flexor muscle) and the other set straightens it (extensor muscle). 3) Voluntary muscles become fatigued and need rest after a short period of time. C- STRIATED OR SKELETAL MUSCLAR
a. The tendon sheath is a synovial sac through which a tendon passes and which provides snyovia to lubricate the surrounded tendon ELIMINATE UNDUE FRICTION= FREER MOVEMENT! 3- TENDONS
Does the same thing as the sheath Tendon does not pass through it The tendon bursa is a synovial sac interposed between the tendon and the surface over which it comes in contact which lubricates and cushions the tendon. 3b- TENDON BURSA
You can find the Tendon Sheath and Tendon Bursa both near joints! Glad you asked! WHERE DO I FIND THEM?
How do we know how their muscles move?