1 Response to the Employee Survey Recommendations
Recognition of Excellent Work 49% of Employees agree that Cornell recognizes contributions of staff
1.New High Five recognition program implemented 2.Recognition Event Days (R.E.D) 3. Partner with the EA 4. New employee award opportunities Employee Recognition Program
Career Development and Growth 37% of Employees are satisfied with opportunities for promotion
1.Campus advisory committee formed to look at identified career opportunity issues 2.Two career ladders established 3.Succession planning 4.Optimal resume program up and running 5.Development of mentoring program Career Development
Supervisor Feedback Opportunities 35% of Employees feel they can provide feedback about their supervisor’s performance
1.Incorporate supervisor feedback into the Performance Dialogue Process Several units will voluntarily participate in 2013, required by all Units in Qualtrics used as tool to provide anonymous feedback 3.Create a strategic communication plan to prepare community for a culture shift 4.Design and deliver training to prepare employees to give and supervisors to receive feedback. 5.Leading Cornell project team to coordinate implementation. Supervisor Feedback
Workload/Workload Imbalance 63% of employee agree their workload is manageable 56% of employees have enough time to do high-quality work 50% of employee agree that workloads are distributed fairly in their units 36% of Employees across units agree that policies are administered fairly
1.Provide a mechanism to request position review for appropriate classification and workload balance. 2.Position classification reviews may be initiated by a staff member directly with their supervisor and College/Unit HR. 3.Once the Position Review Request form and supporting materials are submitted, the supervisor has up to 30 days to complete their review and ensure position description is accurate and up to date. Position Evaluation and Analysis
4.Anticipated total review process to be completed within 90 business days, unless workload imbalance is identified, may add up to an additional 30 business days. 5.When a workload issue is identified as unmanageable, Compensation Services will partner with College/Unit HR and supervisors in conjunction with Organizational Development for Faculty and Staff (ODFS) to determine the appropriate review process. The strategic Planning and goal alignment tools will be utilized to identify, examine and align departmental priorities.
1.Implementation of Process Improvement program 2.Communication of existing change tools 3.Professional and personal development offerings and solutions to manage workload Alignment and Change Tools
1.Offer a pilot program in units that would benefit most 2.Review results and determine benefit to full campus 3.Communications plan 4.Transition from recommendation to implementation The Energy Project
1.Add a component to the Time Away From Work Policy Employees can use up to 2.5 hours of paid release time per week (not to exceed 2.5 per week or 120 hours per year) to pursue personal development. 3.It is further recommended that a concurrent study be implemented to track usage, survey supervisors and/or employees, collect other metrics, and determine impact. Personal Development
Open forums and other meetings Final proposals for submission to President Skorton Communications plan Transition from recommendation to implementation Next Steps
Survey Background: Ongoing Response: Additional Resources