The Modern World Forces of Change – Uprisings Indian uprisings lead to independence from Britain Mau Mau Uprising – Kenyan farmers fight against the British and achieve independence in 1963 – Warfare Civil wars cause unrest in the Congo (against Mobutu Sese) and Angola (against communism) Israel is attacked by Palestinians and Arabs opposing its creation Mujahideen fights against the USSR in Afghanistan (aided by the USA) – Taliban takes over and controls most of the country from 1998 to the US invasion in 2001
The Modern World WWII fundamentally changed Africa – New nations emerged throughout the continent Economies were not stable Social divisions existed and were/are violent – Nigerian Civil War caused by ethnic divisions Dictators with military help seize power – Apartheid ( ) Separation of races in South Africa imposed by the minority white government led by the National Party – Ended by a campaign by the African National Congress led by Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu
The Modern World Democracy in the South – Achieved in Brazil in 1980s after economic recession Ended years of military dictatorship – Imperfect Democracy in Mexico Single party rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) for 70 years – Economic problems opened up the political system in Mexico – In 2000 the first non-PRI president was elected (Vincente Fox) – Argentina Juan Peron dictatorship created in 1946 – He and idolized wife, Eva, created a welfare state – After his wife’s death, the Catholic Church and military overthrew Peron’s government » Created decades of repression and chaos known as “the disappearing” – Went to war with Britain in 1982 over Falkland Islands and lost » Led to free election of Raul Alfonsin in 1983
The Modern World NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement Increased trade between US/Canada/Mexico from $300 billion to over $1 trillion Also saw the loss of 700,000 manufacturing jobs in the US to Mexico Globalization – Economies of the world are connected WTO – World Trade Organization – Global interdependence – the fact that economies around the world depend on one another for success
The Modern World USSR becomes Russia – Glasnost and Perestroika Plans used by Mikail Gorbachev to open up some social liberties and to create more free markets in the Soviet Union – Led to the downfall of the USSR as people wanted full social freedoms and capitalism Boris Yeltsin – 1 st president of Russia ( ) – Eastern Europe Former satellite states gain independence – Formed over a dozen new nations in Eastern Europe – German Reunification East and West Germany unify voluntarily – East Germans were tired of the economic turmoil of the Soviet Union