CROSSED Ally Condie
Characters Cassia Reyes: She is the main character. Cassia has been sent voluntarily to a work camp. From there she escapes camp, with her new friend Indie, and heads to the outer provinces in hopes to find Ky. Ky Markham: Cassia’s true match. Ky was taken violently from his home in the last novel. He was taken to a labor camp in the outer provinces. Vick, Ky, and Eli escape to the canyons in search of Cassia and a mysterious society Ky knew when he was young.
Characters Indie: Cassia’s friend from camp who goes with her to the outer provinces. Although Cassia trusts Indie, she is mysterious, sneaky, and possibly someone who Cassia can’t trust. Indie wants to find the rebellion on the society in the outer provinces. Vick: Ky’s friend from camp who escapes to the canyons with him. He is caring but is also quite secretive and stoic. Can he be trusted? Stoic : A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. “From dictionary” Eli: A 13 year old boy who somehow ended up in the labor camp with Ky and Vick too. Ky also takes him on there escape into the canyons because Eli reminds Ky of Cassia’s younger brother. Eli is not as strong as Ky and Vick, but he manages to keep up with them on there journey. Hunter : A farmer from the carvings, which is a mountain range. He just lost his only daughter and now trying to find other farmers on there journey to someplace safe
The Cover? Matched: Cassia feels like she is stuck under the Society’s control. She figures out that Xander might not have been the right match for her. Ky is, but the society tries to make Cassia feel like she can’t do anything about it or make a difference. Crossed: The society is very strong, but Cassia decides to break some rules to get Ky back after he was sent away. She is breaking out of the Society’s control and starting to become someone stronger. Reached: Haven’t read yet: She breaks out and is no longer held back by the society. She is strong and now even the society can’t stop her.
Thanks For Watching Hope you read it. It’s really good. If you liked the Hunger games, then your going to love this trilogy. Matched Crossed Reached