International Workshop on Industrial statistics Beijing, China 8-10 July 2013 Data items for industrial Statistics (Part 2)
Data items 1. Demography2. Employment3. Compensation of employees4. Other expenditures5. Value of shipment, receipts…6. Inventories7. Taxes and subsidies8. Output9. Intermediate consumption…10. Value added11. Gross fixed capital form.12. Orders13. Environmental protection exp.
2. Employment (a) Number of persons employed (b) Average number of persons employed (c) Hours worked
2(a) Total number of persons employed 2.1 Total number of persons employed of which - Working proprietors - Unpaid family workers - Employees … 2.2 Number of leased employed2.3 Total number in the informal sector Total number of persons employed is defined as Total number of persons who work in or for the statistical unit whether full- or part-time Time period for which employment should be counted affect this item It includes: working proprietors, active business partners, unpaid family workers…… but it excludes: persons on pension, on indefinite leave, outworkers paid by subcontractors, etc. Different categories are provided Breakdown ‘by gender’ when possible
2(a) Total number of persons employed 2.1 Total number of persons employed 2.2 Number of leased employed2.3 Total number in the informal sector It refers to the number of persons supplied by employment agencies to industrial establishments. Leased employees are on the payroll of the agency rather than the industrial establishment It refers to the number of persons employed during the reference period n at least one production unit of the informal sector BUT only if this was their main job.
2(b) Average number of persons employed 2.4 Average number of persons employed of which Employees Production workers Other employees Average number of persons employed include the employees as well as working proprietors and unpaid family workers The average number of employees is the arithmetic average of the number of employees for each calendar day of the reference period divided by the number of days in the reference period 2(c) Hours worked 2.5 Hour worked by employees of which by production workers … 2.6 Hours worked by leased employed Total number of hours spent by employees on activities that contribute to the production of goods and services during the reference period
Data items 1. Demography2. Employment3. Compensation of employees4. Other expenditures5. Value of shipment, receipts…6. Inventories7. Taxes and subsidies8. Output9. Intermediate consumption…10. Value added11. Gross fixed capital form.12. Orders13. Environmental protection exp.
3. Compensation of employees 3.1 Wages and salaries in cash and in kind of employees of which Production workers Other employees 3.2 Payment to directors of incorporated enterprises for their attending meetings 3.3 Social insurance contributions payable by employers Total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by the establishment to an employee in return for work done by the employee during the reference period. It excludes taxes payable on the wage and salary bill (e.g. payroll taxes) No compensation of employees is payable to unpaid work undertaken voluntarily IRIS 2008 give a detailed description on how to record ‘stock option’ (form of payment in kind) To accurately measure the own account production of intellectual property products, it is recommended that a further breakdown of ‘production workers’ is collected
Data items 1. Demography2. Employment3.Compensation of employees4. Other expenditures5. Value of shipment, receipts…6. Inventories7. Taxes and subsidies8. Output9. Intermediate consumption…10. Value added11. Gross fixed capital form.12. Orders13. Environmental protection exp.
4. Other expenditures 4(a) Purchase of good and services4(b) Data item on quantity
4(a) Purchase of goods and services 4.1 Cost of raw materials and supplies except for gas, fuels and electricity 4.2 Cost of gas, fuels and electricity4.3 Cost of water and sewage services4.4 Purchase of services except rental 4.5 Purchase of goods and services for resale in the same condition as received 4.6 Rental payments 4.6 Non-life insurance premium payable on establishment property The scope of these items is set by the national accounts in respect to intermediate consumption of goods and services Purchase of goods and services during the reference period for: -resale (in the same conditions as received) -intermediate consumption in the production process (excluding fixed assets Purchase of services except rentals includes industrial and no-industrial services Rental payments: costs for hiring, leasing or renting capital goods and non residential buildings, etc. Non-life insurance premium on the unit property Valuation of goods: at purchaser’s prices
4(b) Data items on quantities Q4.1 Quantity of individual important material and supplies Q4.2 Quantity of individual fuels and gas purchased Q4.3.1 Quantity of water purchased Q4.3.2 Quantity of wastewater treated on site prior to discharge These items should be collected to provide supplementary detail In the infra-annual surveys, the detail can be limited to those necessary for the calculation of index number of production or prices Examples of detail - quantity of electricity purchased - quantity of electricity generated - quantity of electricity sold Q4.3.3 Quantity of wastewater discharged without treatment
Data items 1. Demography2. Employment3.Compensation of employees4. Other expenditures5. Value of shipment, receipts…6. Inventories7. Taxes and subsidies8. Output9. Intermediate consumption…10. Value added11. Gross fixed capital form.12. Orders13. Environmental protection exp.
5. Value of shipment, receipts for services and other revenue 5(a) Turnover, sales, shipments receipts for services and other revenues 5(b) E-commerce5(c) Data item on quantity
5(a) Turnover, sales, shipments Values turnover/sales/shipments (including transfers to other establishment within the same enterprise) 5.2 Other revenues5.3 Value of own account fixed assets The scope of these items is set by the national account in respect to the production of goods and services It comprises the amount invoiced by the establishment; it corresponds to the market sales Valuation at basic prices (which excludes VAT
5(b) E-commerce 5.4 E-commerce sales/turnover/… E-commerce sales are sales of all goods and services where an order is placed by the buyer and prices and terms of sale are negotiated over the Internet or other online systems The revenues from E-commerce are included in data items 5(a) 5(c) Data items on quantity 5.5 Quantity and value of individually important products Total sales/turnover may be broken down by products according to the Central Product Classification Ver. 2 (CPC, Ver.2) or other international/nations classifications of products. Helpful to have a questionnaire with a preprinted list of important products by industry
Thank you