1 National Incident Management System National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference Las Vegas, NV April 10, 2008
2 Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 5 National Incident Management System (NIMS) A consistent nationwide approach for all levels of government to work effectively and efficiently together to prepare for and respond to domestic incidents Core set of concepts, principles and terminology for incident command and multi-agency coordination
3 Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 5 (Continued) Requires all Federal Departments and Agencies to adopt the NIMS Requires state and local NIMS compliance as a condition for Federal preparedness assistance
4 NIMS: Key Concepts NIMS is based on the premise that the utilization of a common incident management framework will give emergency management/response personnel a flexible yet standardized system for emergency management and incident response activities. NIMS is flexible because the system components can be utilized to develop plans, processes, procedures, agreements, and roles for all types of incidents and is applicable to any incident regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity. Additionally, NIMS provides an organized set of standardized operational structures which is critical in allowing disparate organizations and agencies to work together in a predictable, coordinated manner.
5 NIMS: Key Concepts Framework for interoperability and compatibility Flexibility Consistent, flexible, and adjustable national framework Applicable regardless of incident cause, size, location, or complexity. Standardization Standard organizational structures Key to interoperability Ongoing support: Incident Management Systems Integration Division of FEMA PREP
6 Overview of NIMS What NIMS is: A comprehensive, nationwide, systematic approach to incident management, including the Incident Command System, Multiagency Coordination Systems, and Public Information A set of preparedness concepts and principles for all hazards Essential principles for a common operating picture and interoperability of communications and information management Standardized resource management procedures that enable coordination among different jurisdictions or organizations Scalable so it may be used for all incidents (from day-to-day to large-scale) A dynamic system that promotes ongoing management and maintenance What NIMS is NOT: A response plan Only used during large incidents A communication plan Only applicable to certain emergency responders Only the Incident Command System or an organizational chart A static system
7 NIMS Components Preparedness Communications and Information Management Resource Management Command and Management Incident Command System Multi-agency Coordination Systems Public Information Ongoing Management and Maintenance
8 NIMS Components Preparedness Involves an integrated combination of planning, training, exercises, personnel qualification and certification standards, equipment acquisition and certification standards, and publications management processes well in advance of any potential incident. Communications and Information Management This component under NIMS identifies the requirement for a standardized framework for communications, information management (collection, analysis, and dissemination), and information-sharing at all levels of incident management. ResourceManagement This component under NIMS defines standardized mechanisms and establishes requirements for processes to describe, inventory, mobilize, dispatch, track, and recover resources over the cycle of the incident.
9 Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreements Mutual aid and assistance agreements are written or oral agreements between and among agencies/organizations and/or jurisdictions that provide a mechanism to quickly obtain emergency assistance in the form of personnel, equipment, materials, and other associated services. The primary objective is to facilitate rapid, short−term deployment of emergency support prior to, during, and/or after an incident. Mutual Aid – A Key Preparedness Element
10 Common Operating Picture A common operating picture is established and maintained by the gathering, collating, synthesizing, and disseminating of incident information to all appropriate parties involved in an incident. Achieving a common operating picture allows on-scene and off- scene personnel (e.g., those at the Incident Command Post, an Emergency Operations Center, and within a multiagency coordination group) to have the same information about the incident, including the availability and location of resources, personnel, and the status of requests for assistance. Common Operating Picture – A Key Communication and Information Management Element
11 Resource Management During an Incident
12 Flow of Resource Requests
13 State & Local Resource Typing & Work-Groups By Discipline State & Local Resource Typing & Credentialing Work-Groups By Discipline Emergency Medical Services Fire Services & Hazardous Materials Response Incident Management Law Enforcement Medical / Public Health Public Works Search & Rescue Veterinary / Animal Control ICS Core Competencies (Overhead Positions)
14 Resource Typing 120 typed national resources are organized by: Category – function for which the resource is most useful (firefighting, law enforcement, etc.) Kind – broad class of characterization, such as teams, personnel, equipment, and supplies Type – measure of minimum capabilities to perform its function, Type I implies a higher capability than Type II
15 Credentialing and Typing Program Components of Credentialing and Typing: an objective, standardized evaluation of an individuals …. Qualifications (or attributes) Ability to meet nationally accepted baseline or minimum standards to provide a particular service Reason to be at the incident scene (requested) Standard will help to ensure that personnel with the right attributes are deployed to the right place at the right time
16 Current Credentialed Positions by Discipline Emergency Medical Services13 Fire Services & Hazmat20 Incident Management8 Law Enforcement TBD Medical / Public Health43 Public Works19 Search & Rescue36 Veterinary / Animal Control15 ICS Core Competencies (Overhead Positions)56
17 NIMS Components CommandandManagement Incident Command System ICS defines the operating characteristics, interactive management components, and structure of incident management and emergency response organizations engaged throughout the life cycle of an incident. Multiagency Coordination System The MACS ties together all the support and coordination structures utilized in an incident. The primary function of the MACS is to support and coordinate incident management policies and priorities. Public Information Public Information includes processes and procedures for communicating timely and accurate information to the public during crisis. All levels of government, along with volunteer organizations and private industry, must have the ability to gather public information, verify public information, coordinate public information, and disseminate public information during a disaster.
18 Management Characteristics of ICS Incident Facilities And Locations Comprehensive Resource Management Management By Objectives Incident Action Planning Manageable Span-of-Control Common Terminology Modular organization
19 Management Characteristics of ICS Chain of Command and Unity of Command Information and Intelligence Management Unified Command Structure Accountability Dispatch/ Deployment Integrated Communications Establishment and Transfer of Command
20 ICS Command and General Staff TitlesIncidentCommander Operations Section Chief Planning Logistics Finance/Adm SafetyOfficerPublicInformationOfficer LiaisonOfficer Command Staff: The Command Staff provides Information, Safety, and Liaison services for the entire organization. General Staff: The General Staff are assigned functional authority for Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration.
21 Multiagency Coordination Systems FacilitiesEquipmentPersonnel ProceduresCommunications
22 A System... Not a Facility Coordination Groups/Department Operations Centers On-Scene Command Emergency Ops Centers/ Dispatch Resource Coordination Centers Multiagency Coordination
23 Command vs. Coordination Direct tactical and operational responsibility for conducting incident management activities rests with the Incident Command/Unified Command/Area Command.
24 Command vs. Coordination Coordination and Support of Incident Command/Area Command rests with the Emergency Operations Center and other elements of the multi-agency coordination system.
25 ICS and EOC Issues Determine “make-up” of Multi-Agency Coordination System for the Incident Establish Clear Line of Communications with Dispatch, EOC, and other elements of the system Establish Direct Line to Chief Elected and Appointed Officials Establish Procedures for the Gathering, Verification, Coordination, and Dissemination of Public Information Establish Procedures for Resource Management
26 Public Information The Public Information Officer gathers, verifies, coordinates, and disseminates accurate, accessible, and timely information on the incident’s cause, size, and current situation; resources committed; and other matters of general interest for both internal and external use.
27 NIMS Components Ongoing Management and Maintenance This component of NIMS establishes an activity to provide strategic direction for an oversight of the NIMS, supporting both routine and continuous refinement of the system and its components over the long term along with Supporting Technology. The NIC recommends that State and local governments voluntarily adopt the following National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards: NFPA 1600: “Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs,” 2007 Edition; and NFPA 1561: “Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System,” 2005 Edition. These standards, if adopted by the jurisdiction, can assist in the implementation of NIMS. For more information about these standards, please visit the NIMS guidance section of the NIC Web site. Other standards may be issued periodically by the NIC and recommended for voluntary adoption.
28 Training: Who needs to take what? IS-700 NIMS: An Introduction All personnel with a direct role in emergency preparedness, incident management, or response IS-800b NRF: An Introduction All Federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local emergency managers or personnel whose primary responsibility is emergency management ICS-100: Introduction to ICS All Federal, State, territorial, tribal, local, private sector and non-governmental personnel at the entry level, first line supervisor level, middle management level, and command and general staff level of emergency management operations ICS-200: Basic ICS All Federal, State, territorial, tribal, local, private sector and non-governmental personnel at the first line supervisor level, middle management level, and command and general staff level of emergency management operations
29 FY08 & Out Year Training IS-700, IS-800, ICS-100, ICS-200 (Required in FY06 and Out-Years) Base line training for all personnel with a direct role in emergency preparedness, incident management, or response ICS-300 Intermediate (Required in FY08) All Federal, State, territorial, tribal, local, private sector and non-governmental personnel at the middle management level, and command and general staff level of emergency management operations ICS-400 Advanced (Required in FY09) All Federal, State, territorial, tribal, local, private sector and non-governmental personnel at the command and general staff level of emergency management operations Additional NIMS Training (Recommended) Training available for all audiences in the following areas: NIMS Multi-agency Coordination Systems, Public Information Systems, Communications and Information Management, Resource Management, Resource Typing, Mutual Aid, and NIMS Preparedness ICS-Position Specific Training for FY08 Training opportunities for ICS Command and General Staff positions: Incident Commander, Safety Office, Liaison Officer, Public Information Officer, Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, and Finance/Admin Section Chief
30 Summary Incidents typically begin and end locally and are managed on a daily basis at the lowest possible geographical, organizational, and jurisdictional level. However, there are instances in which successful incident management operations depend on the involvement of multiple jurisdictions, levels of government, functional agencies, and/or emergency responder disciplines. These instances require effective and efficient coordination across this broad spectrum of organizations and activities. NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management. This framework forms the basis for interoperability and compatibility that will, in turn, enable a diverse set of public and private organizations to conduct well integrated and effective emergency management and incident response operations. It does this through a core set of concepts, principles, procedures, organizational processes, terminology, and standards requirements applicable to a broad community of NIMS users
31 National Integration Center Incident Management Systems Integration Division NIMS Website Information Contact the NIC Phone:
32 Questions?