Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that cause problems in information processing. This anxiety disorder makes their sufferers feel excessively anxious or fearful. WHAT IS OCD?
The main triggers for people with OCD are obsessive thoughts, images, or impulses that are intrusive and inappropriate. There is always something that triggers OCD whether it was something traumatic that happened like rape or something simple like seeing something gross on TV. TRIGGERS
Obsession: “I just touched a doorknob. What if the person who touched it before me had HIV? Now I might have it as well.” Leading to… Compulsion: Hand washing, possibly for 15 minutes with very hot water and vigorous scrubbing. Ten minutes later… Obsession: “I just flushed the toilet. What if the person who flushed the toilet before me had HIV? Now I might have it as well.” Leading to… Compulsion: Hand washing, possibly for 15 minutes with very hot water and vigorous scrubbing. EXAMPLE
An obsession is when a thought might play over and over constantly in the persons head, and as it does, the person will start believing more and more that it could be true and thinking how horrible it would be. OBSESSIONS
A compulsion can be a behavioral or mental act that a person feels compelled to perform in a very strict fashion, even without the experience on an obsession. Some people may do things each day in a certain way because they believe that that is just the right way to do it, even though they may not be able to explain why, it just feels right. COMPULSIONS
People with OCD usually have considerable insight into their own problems. Most of the time, they know their obsessive thoughts are senseless or exaggerated, and that their compulsive behaviors are not necessary. However, this knowledge is not sufficient to enable them to stop obsessing or carrying out their rituals. Education is one of the most powerful weapons needed to win the battle over OCD. COPING WITH OCD
Coping with obsessive- compulsive disorder can be challenging. Medications can have unwanted side effects and people might feel angry or resentful about having a condition that can require long-term treatment. COPING CONTINUED
The most effective treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder is often cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication. For most people, a combination of the two treatments offers the best chamber for effective long term recovery and management of OCD. COPING WITH OCD BY TREATMENT
A specific behavioral therapy approach called “Exposure and response prevention” is effective. In this approach, the patient is deliberately and voluntarily exposed to the feared object or idea, either directly or by imagination, and then is discouraged or prevented from carrying out the usual compulsive response. Cognitive therapy focuses on the catastrophic thoughts and exaggerated sense of responsibility you feel. A big part of cognitive therapy for OCD is teaching you healthy and effective ways of responding to obsessive thoughts, without resorting to compulsive behavior. Cognitive Behavioral therapy
The medications most often used to help reduce OCD symptoms are a class of drugs called serotonin re- uptake inhibitors, or SSRI’s. These drugs act to enhance the level of the brain chemical serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and emotions. Imbalances of serotonin in the brain are thought to play an important role in the severity of OCD symptoms. In clinical use, these medications relieve symptoms by 30 to 60 percent in most OCD sufferers. MEDICATIONS
Compulsive behaviors can affect relationships, job or professions, and important roles you play in the lives of people you care about. Late to appointments and social engagements. Setting poor examples to children. Stress from having to live a lie, a parallel secret life that hides compulsions from friends and loved ones. Selling some of your most cherished life goals and dreams due to OCD. POSSIBLE PROBLEMS IN DAILY LIFE WITH OCD
There are several types of support groups available to people suffering from OCD. Some groups are professionally assisted and therapeutic in nature. Other support groups are informative and provide a supportive informal and empathetic environment for people coping with OCD, often led and organized by fellow OCD sufferers. Support Groups
Mutual support group- Run by an OCD sufferer and is usually held one or two times a month. Typically the individuals leading the group have recovered from their OCD and are managing their symptoms. Open sharing by attendees about their challenges is encouraged. G.O.A.L (Giving obsessive compulsive another lifestyle)- group that prevents relapse be offering continued support in a group context to people with OCD in their ongoing ERP work. Professionally assisted, usually therapist is present. OCD support on internet- Large general list for discussing OCD’s effects and treatment, smaller support lists for family members, parents, teens, children and people with specific symptoms. TYPES OF SUPPORT GROUPS
"Nicole's OCD from Obsessed on A&E." YouTuhttp:// YouTube, 24 Aug Web. 20 Apr McGrath, Patrick B. The OCD Answer Book. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)." : Symptoms, Behavior, and Treatment. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr WORKS CITED