Post 9/11 GI Bill
Student Veterans Nationally Primarily drawing from OEF, OIF and other eras back to Vietnam. 73% of student Veterans are male, 27% are female. Only 15% are traditionally aged college students (18-23). –31.4% are –28.2% are –24.9% are 40 or older. 47% have children and 47.3% are married. 660K Veterans and 215K Active Duty members are undergraduate students in the U.S.
WSU Student Veterans Total Veteran Population is 436 (plus 402 dependents) –Spokane Campus: 47 –Global Campus: 117 Growing at a rate of about 3.5% per year (15% for dependents)
The Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) Eligibility determination based on service since September 10 th, At least 90 days, but less than 6 months = 40% At least 6 months, but less than 12 months = 50% At least 12 months, but less than 18 months = 60% At least 18 months, but less than 24 months = 70% At least 24 months, but less than 30 months = 80% At least 30 months but less than 36 months = 90% At least 36 months = 100% Active duty service (includes Title 10 and Title 32) No ROTC or service academy time No service used for loan repayment Honorable discharge The VA is the ultimate deciding authority
Transfer of Education Benefits (TEB) Military member may transfer benefits to spouses and dependents, while on active duty. Must have served 6 years and agree to serve 4 more. Or, served at least 10 years and are precluded from serving 4 more. Dependent needs to request the benefit, after the TEB is approved, by submitting a form e to the VA. All following discussions apply to both Veterans and dependents.
Colleges, Universities, trade schools, OJT, apprenticeships, and flight schools. Licensing (attorney, cosmetology, etc.). Certification tests (SAT, LSAT, GRE, etc.). Virtually all degree programs at WSU. Undergrad, grad, professional. Global, OMBA, Nursing. Many certificates. Post 9/11 GI Bill approved programs
Time and Eligibility Generally receive 36 months of eligibility, regardless of benefit level. A month in which the benefit is received is a month charged, so load up if able… Months are prorated. WSU’s semesters “cost” about 4 months. Can extend to end of semester if depleted midway. Must use within 15 years of discharge or separation.
Tuition Pays full tuition for all public school in-state students. Tuition and fee payments are made directly from the VA to WSU SCO reports net tuition minus: –WA State Veteran and Dependent waivers –Tuition Assistance –Cougar Commitment –Graduate assistant fee waiver –Any other guarantee or scholarship meant solely for tuition.
Fees Yes S&A CUB Fee Health Fee SRC Fee Stadium Fee Transit Fee Class/Lab Fees No Sports Pass Green Fee PEACT Parking fines Medical insurance Year Book Late Registration Math Placement Test Writing Placement Test
Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) Paid directly to the student. Direct deposit or check. Based on military BAH for an E-5 with dependents, in the zip code of the student’s school. Pullman’s rate is currently $966/month. MHA paid at the rate for the home institution regardless of where class is actually attended. Exclusively online students receive $714.50/month. 51% course load required to receive MHA. Active duty members and spouses do not receive MHA, but children do.
Book Stipend Paid directly to the student. $41.67 per credit hour, per semester. Capped at $1000 per year. Year runs Aug 1 st thru July 31 st.
Semester Timeline Submit supplemental application and COE while registering for classes. Veterans Affairs Office will certify enrollment and initial course load to the VA – stipends. MHA stipend pays in arrears, and is prorated. Tuition and Fees reported to VA. Payment to WSU arrives 9-10 weeks after first day. Late fees are waived Any financial aid/grants will be used to pay existing debt on first day of school. Will be refunded when T&F payment arrives.
Yellow Ribbon Program Designed to offset the additional costs of attending school out of state or attending a private institution. WSU waives $650 in tuition costs and the VA matches, for $1300 in tuition reduction per year. Applied to Fall semester. Significant tuition costs remain. Active Duty and Spouses are not eligible. Must be qualified for the GI Bill at the 100% rate. Apply with the WSU Veterans Affairs Office – 21 slots available.
WSU Veterans Partial Tuition Waiver Can help WA resident students whose GI Bill eligibility is less than 100% Tuition is waived in 10% increments up to 50%. So a waiver-eligible student receiving 70% of the GI bill would get a 30% tuition waiver, and so on. Waiver has to be subtracted from total tuition costs reported to the VA. So there is still a cost to the student…
Study Abroad In most cases the Post 9/11 GI Bill will pay some of the costs. Credits need to go towards degree program. Three kinds of study abroad: Remain a WSU student: T&F paid at normal WSU rate, MHA paid at the Pullman rate, book stipend as usual. Study abroad as a student of another institution (i.e. Antioch) and come back to WSU: BAH paid at the guest institution’s rate, MHA paid at their rate, book stipend as usual. Study abroad conducted through a company: Unless charges are on the student account, no GI Bill payments can be made. Extra costs can be funded by the GI Bill if the study abroad is required to complete the degree
Grades Failure. VA is only notified if the cause of the failure is lack of attendance or participation. Students must sign letter. VA will reduce payments to last date of attendance. Best practice is to keep going, keep trying. Incomplete. One semester to convert to a passing grade. Withdraw. VA will reduce payments to last date of attendance
Class Retakes A class my be retaken if the student receives an “F” or “W”. The VA will not pay for retaken classes where the previous grade was a “D” or better. EXCEPTION: A higher grade is required to progress.
Tutorial Assistance Monthly rate cannot exceed $100. Capped at $1200 per benefit program. No entitlement charge. Eligibility: Rate of pursuit must be at least 50%. Deficient in a course that is part of his program. Tutoring must occur during the semester the class is taken. Requirements: Letter from instructor stating deficiency and requirement of tutoring. Qualified tutor. VA Paperwork.
Questions? Blaine Golden Office located within the WSU Veterans Center (Holland 120) (instructions, and FAQs!)