Senior Service America, Inc. “Changing the Individual Durational Limit Policy” Webinar We will start in 5 minutes. Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those instructions again click the audio icon)
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Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) “Changing the SCSEP Individual Durational Limit Webinar” Tuesday, May 21, :00 – 4:00 p.m. EDT
Webinar Details Today’s Presenters: Chris Garland & Kamal Elharam Webinar Length: 2 hours from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time We may finish early if not all time is needed
Agenda Welcome Change in Policy – Why? Next Steps Responsibilities of Subgrantees through September 30 th Responsibilities of Subgrantees after September 30 th Important SSAI Dates Between Now and August 31, 2013 Summary Adjourn
How Did We Get Here? Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006 set a lifetime cap on SCSEP for first time in program’s 40+ year history Four year lifetime participation clock started for participants on or enrolled as of July 1, 2007 and after First exits for participants who reached their Individual Durational Limit (IDL) of 4 years occurred July 1, 2011
SSAI’s Current IDL Policy SSAI did and still does not believe that SCSEP should have a lifetime cap on participation. In our view, limiting every SCSEP participant to a maximum of four years of participation neither reflects a person-centered approach nor recognizes that persons can continue to benefit from longer SCSEP participation. Therefore, our policy has been to grant a waiver to any participant who meets the “waiver factors” allowable in the law and regulations to give the participant more time to benefit from SCSEP services.
Why is SSAI Changing its Policy? The decline in SCSEP funding since 2010 has led to longer wait lists. We hope that changing our waiver policy will increase your capacity to enroll new participants We recognize that the need for SCSEP is greater than the funding Congress provides so we want to facilitate our subgrantees being able to serve people who have not already benefitted from SCSEP.
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What Happens tomorrow, Wednesday, May 22, 2013? SSAI is sending its notification letter to participants (with a cc to the Project Director) informing the participant of the change in SSAI’s Individual Durational Limit Policy If you haven’t sent your letter to participants yet, please do ASAP Let’s Review the Letter
Project Directors will be copied on the letter This means if you have 100 active participants, you will receive 100 letters (one letter for each active participant on your program) If a letter is returned to SSAI due to a bad address, then SSAI staff will call you to: (a) ask you to mail a copy of the participant’s letter to the participant; and (b) update the participant’s address in SPARQ
Your Participants Are Going to Fall Into One of Four Categories (A-D) Category A: Participant currently has a waiver (approved by SSAI) that has extended their time on SCSEP beyond four years and the participant’s waiver expires before or on Monday, September 30, 2013 Example: Participant Garland received a waiver for being age 77 on August 15, 2012 and this waiver will expire on August 15, Under the change in policy, Participant Garland is eligible for one more waiver renewal. Once her waiver is renewed, Participant Garland’s new four year durational limit exit date will be August 15, 2014.
Category B Category B: Participant is reaching his/her four-year durational limit for the first time (never has had a waiver before) before or on Monday, September 30, 2013 Example : Participant Ames has not had a waiver but her individual durational limit date is September 15, 2013, and she is eligible for a waiver for Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Under the change in policy, Participant Ames is eligible to receive a waiver for LEP. With this waiver, Participant Ames’ new four year durational limit exit date will be September 15, 2014.
Category C Category C : Participant currently has a waiver (approved by SSAI) that has extended their time on SCSEP beyond four years and the participant’s waiver expires on or after Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Example: Participant Gallagher currently has a waiver for Severely Limited Employment Prospects in an area of persistent unemployment that will expire on October 2, Under the change in policy, Participant Gallagher is not eligible for any more waivers, and project staff must exit him on October 2, 2013.
Category D Category D : Participant has never had a waiver before and is reaching his/her four-year durational limit for on or after Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Example: Participant Sarmiento was enrolled on January 4, 2010 and will reach his four-year durational limit exit date on January 3, Under the change in policy, Participant Sarmiento is not eligible for a waiver to the durational limit, and project staff must exit him on January 3, 2014.
What’s the Difference? Participants in Categories A and B have the possibility of being eligible for a waiver. Participants in Categories C & D have zero waiver possibilities.
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What Project Staff must do between now and Friday, June 14th SSAI’s current waiver policy is in effect until COB on Monday, September 30, 2013 However, because DOL will disable SSAI’s Administrator ability in SPARQ during the months of July – September, you must process all waiver information for participants approaching their four year durational limit exit between now and September 30 by Friday, June 14th
Why Friday, June 14, 2013? Because SSAI staff needs time to review the documentation you submit in order to: Approve and enter waiver info into SPARQ Deny initially but work with you to get corrected support documentation in order to approve Work with you to make sure no participants fall through the cracks
Let’s Start with Categories A & B SSAI current waiver process is the same except for one added step Between now and Friday, June 14 th, you will call and schedule a meeting with the participants in Categories A and B to determine his/her eligibility for any one of the seven (7) waiver factors Age 75 or older Limited English Proficiency (if a language other than English is the participant’s primary language) Low Literacy Skills (if English is the participant’s primary language) Old enough for but not receiving Social Security Title II benefits Severe Disability Frail Severely limited employment prospects in an area of persistent unemployment Meeting can be group or individual
SSAI’s Current Waiver Process During the meeting, you and the participant complete a SSAI Waiver Update Form and collect the documents that support/verify the participant’s waiver status Go to SPARQ and check waiver factor and enter date Fax or mail the completed Waiver Update Form and supporting documentation to SSAI no later than Friday June 14, 2013 Do not to SSAI staff or send as transmitting participant waiver information in these ways can violate the participant’s privacy
To submit to SSAI… Fax to attention of Kamal: Mail to Kamal Elharam via a method that can be tracked ( UPS, Fed-X, USPS Delivery Confirmation, etc.): Kamal Elharam Senior Service America, Inc Colesville Road, Suite 1200 Silver Spring, MD 20910
There is one added step… Must review and get participant to sign “Change in Policy” Acknowledgement Form Let’s review sample Be sure to provide participant with a copy of his/her completed acknowledgement form and keep signed copy in your participant files
DO NOT… Do not mail the “Change in Policy Acknowledgement” form to participants Review policy and form with participants in person
Final Steps for Approval SSAI staff review documents for accuracy and verification of eligibility for waiver SSAI staff enter durational limit into SPARQ SSAI sends “approval letter” or “denial letter” to participants For participants approved after May 22, 2013, SSAI will send them a letter (with a cc to the project director) by the end of June with their new durational limit date
Let’s Take a Minute to Review Go to the “Waiver Center” on the SSAI Partners’ Page website SSAI Waiver Update Form Waiver Factors and Definitions Handout PowerPoint from “Waiver Factors Webinar” from Reminder: The tables for “persistent unemployment” are updated in April annually. Thus, in each program year, there are two valid tables in existence: one for July 1 – December 31 and one for February 1 – June 30. “Area of persistent unemployment” can be validated if either table verifies the status of the county at any time during the program year. For a participant with a durational limit date on or before June 30 th, you can use either table. For a participant with a durational limit date on or after July 1 and before or on September 30, 2013, you must use the July 1 – December 31 table.
Good News! Most of you have already completed your waiver work with your participants in Category A & B (those with durational limit exit dates between now and September 30th) If you have not already done so, you still need to meet with the participant to discuss the policy change and get them to sign the “Change in Policy” Acknowledgement Form
What if a Participant in Category A or B does not qualify for a waiver? We just reviewed the process and procedures for participants with durational limit exit dates between now and September 30 th who will get a waiver or have an existing waiver renewed by Friday, June 14 th What about those participants who don’t qualify for a waiver?
For participants in Categories A or B not eligible for a waiver or who miss the June 14 th deadline : You must: Meet with participants to explain policy change and complete “Change in Policy Acknowledgement” Form Send 90 day notification of exit letter (at least 90 days before exit) Meet with participant and prepare Transition Assessment and IEP (at least 90 days before exit) Send 30 day exit letter 30 days before exit date (durational limit date) and letter must include grievance procedures Exit the participant on the date he/she reaches their durational limit Enter exit date into SPARQ within 5 days of meeting with participant to complete Exit Form
For participants in Categories C and D… These participants will reach their durational limit exit dates on or after Tuesday, October 1, 2013 You must: Meet with participants to explain policy change and complete “Change in Policy Acknowledgement” Form Send 90 day notification of exit letter (at least 90 days before exit) Meet with participant and prepare Transition Assessment and IEP (at least 90 days before exit but 12 months before exit is what DOL and SSAI require) Send 30 day exit letter 30 days before exit date (durational limit date) and letter must include grievance procedures Exit the participant on the date he/she reaches their durational limit Enter exit date into SPARQ within 5 days of meeting with participant to complete Exit Form
For Participants Not Eligible for a Waiver Let’s review key documents on the Partners’ Page 90 Day Notice Letter Transitional Assessment & IEP Form 30 Day Exit Letter
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To help you stay organized… Weekly Durational /Report
SSAI will send weekly Durational limit with attached report to Project Directors and coordinators Report is based on data from SPARQ D-rejects must be resolved in order to have an accurate date If you have questions about the date double check the assignment data and approved break data in SPARQ The will highlight the Participants reaching their limit in the next 7 days Participants without an approved waiver request will be expected to exit on their Durational limit date You have up to 7 days prior and post the durational limit date to enter the exit data. You will not be able to enter exit data for these participants 7 days past their limit – SPARQ will lock the record The will help you and SSAI reduce the risk of locked records
Weekly Durational /Report Report includes: PID (SPARQ Participant ID) Participant’s last name and first name Durational limit date – this date is either the 48 month/4 year date or the new date based on the last SSAI approved waiver Group (A, B, C, or D) Next steps to take with each participant Report sorted by durational limit date and show their waiver group
Weekly Durational /Report
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Compliance Visit Finding Many subgrantees are out of compliance with SSAI’s PPM # 301 F and G because project staff are not working with participants who are not waiver eligible to develop a Transition Assessment and IEP Exiting participants who reach durational limit with no plan for life post SCSEP
Not Acceptable Transition Assessment and IEP is a required SCSEP service that you are denying the participants The participants need your full commitment to help them transition as they will no longer ever be able to participate in SCSEP again – anywhere in the country for the rest of their lives
FAQ #1 Q: What is the difference between a new participant who has never been on the program below enrolled on May 22, 2013, October 5, 2013 or February 1, 2014? A: There is no difference. None of these new participants will be eligible for a waiver to the four year/48 month individual durational limit. Until you update your Participant Handbook to reflect the changes in SSAI’s Durational Limit Policy, you must discuss the policy change with all new participants during their orientation and have them sign the “Change in Policy” Acknowledgement Form. Provide the participant with a signed copy and retain a signed copy in your participant files. SSAI’s Front End Support Team will be preparing an updated Participant Handbook template in PY2013 and will work with all subgrantees to ensure updated Handbooks are in place. There is no need to rush to change your handbook as long as you utilize the “Change in Policy” Acknowledgement Form.
FAQ #2 Q: I am concerned about having to enroll a lot of participants in PY2013 as a result of exiting many participants who reach their four year durational limit A: Please do not worry about this right now. Focus instead on: (1) following the proper waiver policies and procedures and (2) keeping your waiting list vital by prioritizing those waiting and conducting pre-screening to see who is eligible. If you don’t have a wait list but anticipate needing to do a lot of enrollment, then now is a good time to start your SCSEP recruiting and outreach for new host agencies and to build your participant wait list. In upcoming webinar, we will review PY2013 Project Performance Plan (PPP) process, and we will be helping projects address any enrollment issues as needed.
FAQ #3 Q: What if a participant refuses to sign the “Change in Policy Acknowledgement” Form? A: Be sure to document on the form the date you met with the participant and a short summary of why he/she refused. Retain a copy of the form and your handwritten notes from the meeting in the participant’s file.
Review Key Waiver Dates Wednesday, May 22 nd – SSAI and subgrantees (who have not already done so) mail notification letters to participants Thursday, May 23 rd – Project staff start calling participants to schedule meetings (use SSAI report to prioritize who to meet with first) Friday, June 14 th – last day for project staff to submit waiver information to SSAI for participants reaching their durational limit dates between now and September 30, 2013 (Categories A or B) Be sure to discuss policy change and get participant to sign “Change in Policy Acknowledgement” Form By Friday, June 28 th, for any participant in Category A or B (with a durational limit date before or on September 30) who is not waiver eligible, send 90 day notice letter On-going after June 28 th – Project staff use the “Weekly Waiver /Report” to stay on top of 90 day letters, Transition Assessments & IEPs, and 30 day notice of exit letters
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What to Expect in Next Three Months from SSAI Taking a different approach this year based on lessons learned from prior program years Use the time between now and the end of August, to help you be proactive with regard to your PY2013 performance
Mark Your Calendars June 5 – Network Wide Webinar on Year-End Data June 19 – Network Wide Webinar on Continuous Improvement Plans (CIP) for performance July 10 – last day to enter your Q4 data into SPARQ including hours for April – June July 17 – Network Wide Webinar on PY2013 Project Performance Plans July 24 – CIPs and PY2013 Project Performance Plans Due August 15 - Deadline for SSAI to approve your CIP and PY2013 Project Performance Plans
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Thank you for attending today’s webinar If you have questions after the webinar, please contact the Front End Support Team at or by at We will send an with link to today’s webinar recording and copy of the PowerPoint slides