Better Care, Equity in Services, Fairness for Providers David Ivers DDPA Annual Spring Conference May 22, 2012
Data Research Meetings and more meetings Committees and Subcommittees Negotiations All under auspices of DDPA Board & Exec Committee
▪Prospective payment instead of retrospective reconciliation ▪Get rid of 15-minute units and go to daily or monthly rate ▪No risk sharing across providers ▪No subcontracting requirement ▪Preserve licensed nonprofit community providers per et seq. ▪Allow for DD Health Homes to coordinate care instead of medical home ▪Create a broader, more flexible DDTCS service package ▪Retain entitlement status for enhanced DDTCS ▪Integrate all DD care plans and licensure requirements ▪Minimize administrative burdens (focus on outcomes not process) ▪Use assessment to ensure resource allocations are based on actual need
▪Use assessment that is tailored to DD ▪Do not require full assessment every year ▪Pilot first & phase-in implementation ▪Revise income eligibility requirements ▪Obtain meaningful data ▪Behavioral health services ▪Adequate Rates ▪Consider “Community First Choice” option under ACA ▪Big Picture: Reduce inequality in amount of services and reduce waiting list
Prospectively Bundled Payment Vs. Retrospective Reconciliation with risk
DD Lead Provider vs. Principle Accountable Provider (PAP)
Total Medicaid Budget (2012): $4.7 Billion DD Services (2012):~ $600 Million
Waiver Slots (2012): 4,100 Waiver Waiting List (2012): 2,127
Service# of AdultsDD Expenditures Number% to Total Dollars (in millions)% to Total Avg Cost Per Ben. HDC % %97,744 ICF %258.47%58,685 Waiver Only % %44,752 Waiver & DDTCS % %43,180 DDTCS Only %237.80%10,163 Total %295100%42,023
ServiceHalo ExpendituresTotal Expenditures Dollars (in millions)% to Total Avg Cost Per Ben. Dollars (in millions)% to Total Avg Cost Per Ben. HDC38.57%2, %100,564 ICF25.71%4, %63,380 Waiver Only %8, %52,889 Waiver & DDTCS %5, %48,577 DDTCS Only925.71%3, %14,141 Total35100%4, %47,009
DD service episodeExpenditures impacted by health home Initial phase: Adult DD clients 1 7,020 1 Includes DD clients ages 18+ receiving HDC, ICF, Waiver and/or DDTCS services. Excludes 180 clients ages receiving outpatient therapy only and excludes 13 clients receiving DDTCS transportation but not receiving DDTCS services 2 Includes medical and behavioral spend, personal care, in-patient, out-patient, pharmacy, dental, hospice and non-emergency transportation. Does not include third party liability or state hospital expenditures SOURCE: Medicaid claims data for claims incurred in SFY 2010 $ 295 M DD expenditures for adults 1Ensure DD care provision is efficient and based on client needs –Align resources provided with level of need –Expand plan customization options for clients 2Minimize resources / time not focused on delivering client care $ 45 M Medicaid halo expenditures for adults (e.g., medical, behavioral) 3Increased care coordination –Integrate care across DD, medical & behavioral health –Reduce unnecessary medical and behavioral health spend –Promote wellness activities
Separate payment from episode In form of PMPM (Per Member Per Month) Likely require use of co-ops or some other sharing of resources Separate quality measures Full benefit dependent upon HIT
(ACA § 2401 – Adds § 1915(k) to SSA) Under consideration by DHS “Home-and-community-based attendant services and supports” Increased Federal match of 6%. No expiration. Statewide, no cap or waiting list. Cannot discriminate based on age or type of disability or form of services/supports required. Must meet institutional LOC
DDPA web site at medicaidreform.htm “Arkansas Healthcare Improvement Initiative” at director/Pages/APII.aspx