Name: Maj Dave Merritt Office Symbol: AFFSA/XAM Phone Number: DSN Airfield Management Support Equipment UTC (7FVLU)
2 Overview Purpose Mission of Mobile AM Ops Operational Impact Migration Plan Summary
3 Purpose The purpose of this waiver request is to obtain approval for the purchase 16 AN/PRC –148 radios and accessories (chargers/ batteries) required for the AM Support Equipment UTC (7FVLU) Pics of UTC – Removed due to file size
4 UTC 7FVLU Pics of UTC – Removed due to file size
5 Mission of AM Ops Management of contingency airfields –Battle damage assessment –Airfield construction, repair projects –Taxiway/runway closures –Snow/ice removal, wildlife dispersal Focal point for airdrome ground operations –Tactical aircraft parking plan –Hot/unsafe gun areas, refueling areas –Arm-dearm areas, aircraft arresting sys –Taxi-launch procedures –Equipment siting, airfield markings AM rep to joint/coalition aviation units Military AM liaison to host nation officials –Construction projects, infrastructure use –Runway/taxiways inspection procedures Pics of UTC – Removed due to file size
6 AM Ops Mission SFS Aircraft Control Tower CES EOD Acft Maint C2 Pics of UTC – Removed due to file size
7 Operational Impact Significantly reduced ability to provide a safe and secure airfield environment Inability to effectively communicate between AM and other personnel operating on the flightline Potential to compromise operations & force protection Delayed aircraft arrival/departure times, and potential aircraft/ground mishaps Jeopardize joint service nature of contingency airfield operations due to lack of interoperability with other service components
8 Migration Plan AFFSA plans to replace AN/PRC-148 radios (28) with cluster 5, Spiral 2, Handheld 1/2 channel radios beginning in FY09 or whenever cluster 5 becomes available
9 Summary Recommend Approval of AFFSA’s Waiver Request to procure 16 AN/PRC-148 radios and accessories