SUNY Seamless Transfer Update Presentation to UAC September 10, 2014 Elaine R. Cusker Associate Dean Academic Affairs/Undergraduate Education
SUNY Mobility What is it? Seamless Transfer Degree Planning and Audit (DegreeWorks) Project Win-Win (Reverse Transfer) Open SUNY E-advising Online Course Finder Cross Registration Policy Early Alert Systems
Components of Seamless Transfer Curriculum – General Education Curriculum design: SUNY – General Education Requirements (GER) – complete 30 credits and 7/10 requirements within first 2 years Additional campus requirements are allowed but cannot extend time to degree beyond two years for those who transfer with SUNY AA or AS or in bachelor’s programs
Components of Seamless Transfer - Transfer Paths Foundation courses in certain identified majors – public website “Typically taken during the first two years of study” Matched with actual courses at SUNY campuses Effective for Fall 2015 – both for outgoing and incoming students: SUNY Transfer Paths - students/suny-transfer-paths/SUNY Transfer Paths students/suny-transfer-paths/
Components of Seamless Transfer - Credit Requirements SUNY policy – maximum of 126 credits for all bachelor’s degrees; 64 credits for associate’s Programs with a greater number must revise curriculum or seek a waiver UB filed 10 waivers for credit threshold – Architecture (128 – approved), Engineering, Nuclear Medicine Students must be in a major at 60 credits
Components of Seamless Transfer - Admissions Any SUNY AA or AS shall be guaranteed admission in a parallel program at a SUNY baccalaureate campus Transfer student is required to meet the admission requirements expected of continuing and returning students at a campus – UB review and revisions AA or AS graduates accepted into parallel programs will be afforded junior status
Components of Seamless Transfer – Transfer Courses: GER & Major SUNY GER completed in first 60 credits – UB filed 10 waivers for BS in Chemistry and Engineering programs SUNY GER courses are guaranteed transfer with a C or better or less at campus discretion Major courses are guaranteed transfer with a C or better or less at campus discretion Transfer Path courses equivalent to/replaces a prerequisite – it shall fulfill the required prerequisite
UB’s Actions to Date Communication with SUNY leadership Faculty participation in all Transfer Path forums Completed SUNY Campus Inventory – regarding requirements Maximum of 126 credits GER in first two years Policies equitable to transfers Catalog presents 8 semester detailed plans Filed 11 waivers
Next Steps Transfer Path course inventory for each campus review - pending Waiver decisions Full Implementation – Fall, 2015
Questions?? Impacted UB units: Academic Departments Admissions Financial Aid Advising Registrar General Education