Is Self-DIRECTION for You? Self-Directed Services In Montana’s Developmental Disabilities Waivers
Two Options to Self- Direction
Services can be Self- Directed with an Agency as Employer (aka - Agency with Choice)
Working Together Using Agency with Choice Individuals and families can work with their provider agency to hire staff they want to work with them.
Staff you prefer meet all agency requirements and become employees of the agency
The Agency is the employer of the staff and is responsible for all the duties of the employer. The Agency will recruit, hire, complete background checks, manage payroll, provide staff training, let people go when necessary, and schedule employees.
Services can be Self- Directed with Employer Authority
0208 Comprehensive Waiver 0371 Community Supports Waiver 0667 Children’s Autism Waiver Supports Broker Personal Supports Respite Environmental Modifications/ Adaptive Equipment Environmental Modifications/ Adaptive Equipment/ Specialized Medical Equipment Individual Goods and Services Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) MealsEducational Services Community Transition Services Health/Health Maintenance/ Safety Supports Social, Leisure, Recreational Supports Transportation provided during the provision of direct services Transportation provided during the provision of respite Self-Directed Services in Employer Authority
Personal Supports Services Assistance in carrying out daily living and other activities needed to be successful living in the community. Includes Services - Personal care Homemaker Adult Companion
Respite Services Provides relief to the unpaid caregiver providing 24/7 care through Respite workers Recreation or leisure activities
Support Broker Trained and certified to help meet the challenges of self-directing services Assists the person or family in arranging for, directing and managing self-directed services Provides information and training when needed
Environmental Modifications/ Adaptive Equipment Changes to the home and vehicle or specialized equipment needed to enable the person to function more independently or provide accessibility or safely.
Personal Emergency Response System Electronic devices that assist the person who may be alone for periods of time in obtaining help in emergencies
Transportation Allows payment of some costs of self- directed employees who provide transport not available from other sources for person to access needed services, activities and supports.
Other services MAY be self-directed under specific waivers
Who Works For You
What Services Will be Provided
When Services Will Be Provided
Where You Receive Your Services
How Long The Services Will Be Needed
What Knowledge and Skills Are Important? Be proactive Use good people skills Be flexible when you schedule Be willing to put time into the process Have a good back-up plan Have one point of contact as employer Be an advocate Be responsible for paperwork and follow through
More Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Accommodate to needs, within the system Understand that needs change Don’t be afraid of challenges Be clear about expectations Communicate with employees and team Know who to go to for help Be sensitive to people
Challenges Being responsible for your decisions Understanding and working within the Montana State system Fulfilling your employer obligations Identifying recruiting and retaining good employees Balancing your time and obligations
Hire, Supervise, Discharge
Making Changes Happen
Who Can help? Support Broker Family/ Friends/ Community Case Manager/ QIS/State Staff Fiscal Agent
Talk to your Case Manager Your Case Manager can help you figure it out.
Am I Eligible??? If you have a cost plan and If you live in your personal home Then… You are eligible for Self- Direction of your services
Lets Review 1.Who is your Case Manager ? Do you know how to contact your Case Manager? 2.Who is the employer in Self-Direction with Employer Authority? 2.Who are some of the people who can help you with your Self-Directed services if you have a question or problem? 3.What are some of the choices that you can make with Self-Directed services? 4.Who is in charge of hiring, training, supervising, and letting go of your employee?
Share your thoughts with us… What other information about Self-Directed services would you like?
Contact Us Kathy Zeeck, Self-Directed Services Coordinator Developmental Disabilities Program Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Sanders, Rm 305 Helena, MT 59604
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