Recruitment Policies and Procedures & Faculty and Staff Recruitment Waiver Procedures
Recruitment Policies and Procedures
P OSTING AND A DVERTISING Faculty positions are required to: – Post in GatorJobs, the UF applicant tracking system, for a minimum of 14 days. – Advertise in a minimum of two national publications. UF has advertising contracts with: – The Chronicle of Higher Education – InsideHigherEd. com – Negotiated contracts offer free web only advertisements. – Chronicle also offers 40% discount on print ads. *Note—USCIS requires national print ads when sponsoring a foreign national for permanent residency.
S EARCH C OMMITTEE G UIDELINES Search committees are required for faculty searches. Search committees must complete the Search Committee Tutorial provided by the Provost’s Office. Recruiters are available to meet with search committees to review guidelines and answer questions. Hiring authority will provide charge to committee. Faculty Toolkit available at:
S EARCH C OMMITTEE G UIDELINES Government in the Sunshine: – Search committee meetings are open to the public. – The committee must post notices of meetings within a reasonable period of time (minimum 72 hours). – All materials, other than personal notes, are open to the public including all application materials. – Minutes of all meetings must be readily available to public. – Recommend posting a statement regarding Florida’s Sunshine Law. Retaining Records – All materials related to the search must be retained for four years. – Materials submitted electronically through GatorJobs will be maintained by Human Resource Services. – Compliance Reports must be submitted after the search is finalized. When applications are required to be submitted online, the compliance report is automatically completed.
Filling a Vacancy Vacant faculty and staff positions are posted via GatorJobs.
Filling a Vacancy – Faculty recruitment and retention information, including Faculty Recruitment Toolkit and Search Committee Tutorial available at: – Administrative staff members should attend GatorJobs training – GatorJobs Toolkits available at: ringAddPay.asp ringAddPay.asp
Recruitment Waivers – Faculty & Staff F EDERAL C OMPLIANCE The University of Florida is a major recipient of federal awards (over $600,000,000). As a federal contractor, the University is required to comply with all federal equal employment opportunity laws which require fair, open and competitive searches, and consistent treatment of applicants. Non-compliance with federal EEO laws could result in cancellation, termination or suspension of all University federal contracts in whole or in part. Additionally, UF may be declared ineligible for further federal contracts. 8
N ON -C OMPLIANCE L IABILITIES Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) Authority to cancel, terminate or suspend federal contracts and awards in whole or in part for failure of the contractor or subcontractor to comply with the nondiscrimination provisions of the contract. Authority to declare UF ineligible for further federal contracts or extensions or other modifications of existing contracts. $574 million in research awards ( ). Over $1.2 billion in business activity and 10,500 jobs generated from UF research funding ( ). U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Authority to award compensatory and punitive damages to a complainant (depending on the size of the employer (over 500 employees – limit is $300,000).
Recruitment waivers for TEAMS positions are rarely granted. Less than 1% of TEAMS recruitments are granted waivers. An example of a granted recruitment waiver request: A new faculty member is bringing a grant to UF and the perspective employee is specifically named in that grant. An example of a request not granted: Moving a current OPS employee into a TEAMS position. STAFF/TEAMS Recruitment Waivers
Faculty Search Waivers – Procedure & Form
Recruitment Waivers C OMPLIANCE S OLUTION The Human Resource Services, in cooperation with the Office of the Provost, researched processes of UF peers within the Association of American Universities and developed procedures to improve compliance with federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws. These procedures limited and clarified appropriate exceptions to Open and competitive faculty recruitments. 12
Recruitment Waivers C OMPLIANCE S OLUTION ( CONTINUED ) A multi-layer process for review and determination was established. Revised the existing tracking process to monitor trends and patterns. As a federal contractor, the University is required to comply with all federal equal employment opportunity laws which require fair, open and competitive searches, and consistent treatment of applicants. Non-compliance with federal EEO laws could result in cancellation, termination or suspension of Federal contracts. 13
R ECENT H ISTORY 60 Faculty Waiver Hires in 188 Total Waivers (includes acting/ interim, expedited, internal & other) 483 New Faculty Hires in Ratio Waivers to Competitive Searches (1:8) 14
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures The University of Florida values a diverse workforce. In accordance with state and federal law and university regulations, UF is committed to providing equal opportunity in employment through non-discriminatory open recruitment and hiring practices. Deviation from regular search procedures is therefore permitted only under special circumstances. Exceptions to open recruitment may be permitted when they are in the best interests of the university, as determined by the Office of the Provost and the hiring authority, and in consultation with the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity. Please initiate a waiver request as soon as you anticipate that you may need a waiver. Last minute requests may cause delays in hiring. Generally, Academic Personnel positions are to be filled only by competitive searches unless a waiver is requested and granted. Waivers are usually not granted if the hiring authority had sufficient notice (more than 45 days) of the vacancy. 15
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures Guidelines for requesting a waiver to open recruitment procedures: The candidate for the position must be qualified for the position. Each waiver must be submitted on an approved “Waiver Request Form”. In determining the appropriateness of the waiver request, factors considered include, but are not limited to, the hiring department’s past practices with respect to competitive hires and waivers, the represent- ation of minorities and women in the workforce, and opportunities for internal promotions within the units. When hiring foreign nationals, additional information may be required. This procedure should generally apply to no more than 5% of all hires made by the college or unit per year. No verbal or written offers should be made to the desired candidate until final approvals are granted. 16
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures Academic Administrative Appointments: Assistant/associate dean, department chair, director of a major program, etc: The preferred strategy is a competitive national search. However, a waiver of a national external search may be granted when there are constraints such as funding, timing, available candidates, etc. If this is the case, submit a Waiver Request Form and check relevant boxes. Specify circumstance/s under “Explanation of Waiver Type Requested” section. Compensated Administrative Title: (at any FTE) Even if this is limited to current employees, it requires a waiver request form with a request for an internal and/or expedited search. Uncompensated Administrative Title: This applies to a position that carries no administrative supplement, and is limited to current employees in the unit. In these cases, the administrative title is generally viewed as a change in assignment. No waiver or waiver form is required. 17
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures Acting, Interim or Visiting Appointment : This applies to appointment of an individual to temporarily fill a position when the regular incumbent is expected to return (Acting) OR there is appointment of an individual to a position for which a search is to be conducted within one year (Interim) OR there is appointment for a calendar year or less of a faculty member as visiting. Submit a waiver request form with the appropriate box checked. Specify the circumstance/s under “Explanation of Waiver Type Requested” section. 18
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures Other waiver requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis in the following instances or circumstances: Degree Waiver: The appointment of an individual without the usual required academic degree to a non-tenure accruing position for one semester of a nine-month position, or six months or less of a twelve month position. (Degree waivers are rare and require compelling rationale.) Named in a Contract or Grant Award: The appointment of an individual or individuals specifically named in a contract or grant award as Principal Investigator or similar role, and paid 100% from the contract or grant. (The portion of the grant which names the Principal Investigator or Co- Principal Investigators must be included with the waiver request form.) Spouse or Domestic Partner Hire: The appointment of an individual in a dual career family or domestic partnership in order to enhance and support the recruitment, hiring or retention of a fully qualified faculty member. Conduct of Inclusion: (TBA) 19
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures Other waiver requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis in the following instances or circumstances: Special Professional Distinction: The appointment of an individual with truly outstanding achievements and significant contributions in the candidate’s field. (Candidate must meet all criteria for appointment for rank of full professor.) Submit a CV with the Waiver Request Form. Team Member(s) Associated with Critical Hire: Following a competitive national search (or in some instances, an expedited search) for a position deemed critical to the overall advancement of the University by the Provost or another Senior VP, a waiver may be granted for the team member(s) who accompany the critical hire. Generally, these would be individuals deemed essential to advancing the research or other work of the critical hire. A memo from the relevant Senior VP/Provost should accompany the waiver request. Time, Financial or Other Significant Constraints: These are to be specified by the requesting unit in the “explanation of Waiver type requested” section. 20
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures An Expedited Search requires advertising for a minimum of 14 days. Application process is open to the public. However, national advertising is NOT required. There should be a review of all submitted applications by a designated search committee. Do not include any preferred candidate information on the waiver request form. An Internal Search indicates posting on GatorJobs only and only current UF employees are eligible to apply. There should be a review of all submitted applications by a designated search committee. This type of search is generally intended to target current permanent faculty at UF. Do not include any preferred candidate information on the waiver request form. A 14 day minimum posting is preferred; a seven day posting may be acceptable in some circumstances. 21
Other Examples 1) No search may be required for an increase in FTE of an existing appointment. 2) Faculty appointments with an OPS/temporary title (adjunct faculty) do not require a search. 3) Post-docs: If competitively searched for original hire as post-docs they would not need a waiver to transfer as a research assistant professor or some similar title. 4) Some situations may only require an internal search. Examples may include assistant deans/ department chairs. 5) In general, a newly established position will require an external search. 22
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures We make every effort to process Waiver Requests within 5 to 7 working days. 23
Competitive Search and Waivers Procedures The Recruitment Waiver Procedures and Form, along with additional information regarding faculty recruitment and retention, are available at: 24