Student Information Course Selection May 9, 2014
7 th & 8th Grade Course Selection Materials Course Selection Card Curriculum Guide ◦ Access Via ( Articulation Documents Survival Guide Summer Reading List ◦ Must read two books ◦ Must complete the book review for each book to submit to Language Arts Teacher School Supply List Sports Form (Optional )-Notarized and Copy of Insurance Card
7 th Grade Course Selection Materials Course Selection Card REQUIRED COURSE (Left side of card) MATH (Course 2, Adv. Course 2 -Pre-Algebra 7)-STATE TEST (April 2015) (GEM Algebra I Honors)-EOC TEST (May 2015) Language Arts 2(Advanced or Regular) Life Science (Advanced required application) CIVICS –EOC TEST 30% of Grade Reading 7(Level 3) or Intensive 7 (Level 1 or 2)-NO ELECTIVE NOTE: Advanced Course Waiver on the back of card if space is available. DO NOT TOUCH- TEACHERS WILL PLACE BASED ON ACADEMIC AND FCAT PERFORMANCE
7 th ELECTIVES (Up to 2) Selection of up to 2 Elective Choices (Order of Preference)-LIST 4 Choices in the event of conflicts) Band I, II or III (Must sign PE Waiver and Teacher Approval Level II and III) Wheel PE (18 wks) & one of the following: Art, Computers, Aerobics, or Law (Annual Option Available if Space Permits) Competitive Physical Education Annual - Coach Hurst Must Sign Drama (Annual)-PE WAIVER Journalism (Yearbook, TV Production or Newspaper)- (PE WAIVER) Must Apply and Receive Signature of Mr. Markowitz (Room 208) Spanish I (PE Waiver)-Level 3 or higher in Reading (HS GPA) Peer Counseling (PE Waiver)-Must have Ms. Bear Approval and Signature
8 th Grade Course Selection Materials Course Selection Card Required Courses Math (Course 3, Adv. Pre-Algebra,)-STATE TEST (April 2015) GEM Algebra I Honors or GEM Geometry Honors- EOC Testing May 2015 Language Arts 3(Advanced Pre-AICE Cambridge or Regular)- FCAT WRITING TEST (TBA??) Physical Science (Advanced Pre-AICE Cambridge required application)-FCAT TEST (April 2015) U.S. History and Career Education (Promotion Requirement) Reading 8(Level 3) or Intensive Level 1 or 2 (NO Elective) NOTE: Advanced Course Waiver on the back of card if space is available. Cambridge courses are very rigorous and require testing criteria be met to be enrolled.
CAMBRIDGE PROGRAM (Application Approval Pending) Cambridge is a rigorous, internationally recognized pre-university curriculum provided by Cambridge University in England. The program is committed to a flexible curriculum with global acceptance while maintaining academic rigor. These courses will be offered in preparation for the PPCHS AICE first year college level courses towards a special AICE Diploma and/or up to 40 college credits.
Who is a Cambridge Student? 4-5 (5 preferred ) FCAT Exams Passing Grades with A/B Average Desires a challenging academic environment Highly motivated and academically driven
What do student have to do for Cambridge? PPCHS ONLY Pass examinations for each Pre-AICE/AICE Subject (May/June of Each Year)-No Make- up sessions!! To earn an AICE Diploma, student must pass 7 credits worth of exams in Math, Science, Languages, and Arts/Humanities.
Benefits of PPCHS Pre-AICE/AICE Helps will college admission Aids in scholarship applications Provides skills to be successful in college. Students who complete a minimum of 100 service hours in HS automatically qualify for Bright Futures if they earn an AICE HS Diploma. ($$ Value Subject to Change)
Central MS Anticipated Cambridge Courses 8 th Grade Secondary 1 English (Ms. Altimore) FCAT Reading Level 5 and High 4’s (if space available) Teacher Recommendation Prior Grades A/B Love of Reading and Writing 8 th Grade Secondary 1 Science (Ms. Deshong/Ms. Maestu) FCAT Reading and Math Level 5 and 4 Science Application Teacher recommendation Prior academic performance (A/B’s) in Math, Science and LA Passion for Science additional courses will be offered
8 th ELECTIVES (Up to 2) Selection of up to 2 Elective Choices (Order of Preference)-LIST 4 Choices in the event of conflicts) Band I, II or III (Must sign PE Waiver and Teacher Approval Level II and III) Wheel PE (18 wks) & one of the following: Art, Computers, Aerobics, or Law (Annual Option Available if Space Permits) Competitive Physical Education Annual - Coach Hurst Must Sign Drama (Annual)-PE WAIVER Journalism (Yearbook, TV Production or Newspaper)- (PE WAIVER) Must Apply and Receive Signature of Mr. Markowitz (Room 208) Spanish I & II (PE Waiver)-Level 3 or higher in Reading (HS GPA) Peer Counseling (PE Waiver)-Must have Ms. Bear Approval and Signature
Deadline for Required Materials Due Friday, May 16, 2014 to 1 st Period (HR) Teacher Cards Submitted Late or Incorrect will be placed at bottom and not be considered for priority electives. Course Selection Card Signed by parent and student PE Waiver if taking ANNUAL ELECTIVES Signed Academic Waiver if requesting Adv. Class(es)-Only if space permits will waivers be granted. Cambridge has additional criteria. Teacher Signatures for Specialized Electives-NO SIGNATURE, NO ELECTIVE Sports Form (Optional)-Signed, Notarized with a copy of Medical Insurance Card
SUMMER 2014 Summer Reading Requirement Two(2) Books (From a selection of 6) 2 Book Reviews Due to Language Arts Teacher on Monday, August 18, 2014 (First Day of School-Graded) List and forms available on the Central Site Bring basic supplies on first day of school (i.e., paper, pencils, pens, folder, backpack and homeroom & math teacher donations)
Student Support Services Jill Bear, Guidance Director
Reasons to see the Counselor: Academic Help/Promotion Academic Help/Promotion Organizational Skills Organizational Skills Conflict Mediation Conflict Mediation Being bullied Being bullied To help with Connections To help with Connections Want to talk to a Peer Counselor Want to talk to a Peer Counselor Students may fill out a request to see the counselor or parents may contact the guidance secretary for an appointment or simply send an to Students may fill out a request to see the counselor or parents may contact the guidance secretary for an appointment or simply send an to
What do I need to do to get promoted to the high school? Students must successfully pass: 3 years of Math 3 years of Social Studies 3 years of Language Arts 3 years of Science Successfully complete career component Completion of civics class/exam
How Do I Pass a Class? In order to pass a class, students need to acquire 4 points in that subject over the course of the year. A = 4 points B = 3 points C = 2 points D = 1 point F = 0 points Students must pass 4 out of the 6 classes in order to go to the next grade. THE SCHOOL’S PRINCIPAL RESERVES THE FINAL SAY FOR ALL STUDENT PROMOTIONS.
Grading Scale A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 0 – 59 0’s SINK YOUR GRADE!!!!
How Do I Get Promoted to the Next Grade?? Students must pass 4 out of the 6 classes in order to go to the next grade. If student fails one or two core classes, student may go to the next grade, but must make up those classes before being promoted to the high school (Course Recovery). If student fails any three classes, student is RETAINED.
COMPETITIVE SPORTS Boys and Girls are eligible for all sports Basketball (Fall) Soccer (WINTER) Track (SPRING) Cheerleading (ANNUAL) Dance Team (ANNUAL) Flag Football and Volleyball (TBA)
Cheerleading Coach Brianna Brooks
TRYOUTS Cheerleading TEAM 3:30-6:00pm Clinics May 14, 15, & 16 Tryouts May 19, 2014 MUST HAVE ALL FORMS TO TRYOUT!! Failure to be picked up on time may result in your not being selected
Coach Latrice Hubert Assisted by Ms. Alfaro
TRYOUTS DANCE TEAM 3:30pm-5:45pm Clinics May 27, 28 & 29 Tryouts May 30, 2014
SUMMER th Grade Orientation Camp Thursday, August 7, :00am-12:00pm Central Campus Cafeteria (Students Only) STUDENT LEADER VOLUNTEERS (NJHS Hours) SEE MS. MABEL TO SIGN-UP!! Class Rotation Simulation with Teachers, Scavenger Hunt Campus Orientation, Raffles, Pizza Lunch and Fun with Friends Student ID’s (Complimentary) will be provided the 2 nd week of school NOTE: Replacements-ID’s $5.00/Lanyards $3.00
FIRST DAY Monday, August 18, 2014