May 24, 2012
Input on issues with UC and IGT calculations Understanding of proposed waiver funding and mechanics protocol Waiver progress Updated timelines 2
Issues filling out the templates? How to find data? General revenue issues 3
HHSC draft for discussion Comments by May 31 HHSC submitting to CMS by June 15 4
Clarified that MHMRs qualify for participation in DSRIP 2012 allocation of DSRIP funds between regions ◦ Statewide - $500 million ◦ Region 10 – approximately $60 million ◦ May use the same allocation for DY2 – DY5 Allocation of region dollars among participating providers ◦ Based on value of provider’s DSRIP projects ◦ There is no valuation methodology yet 5
Project requirements ◦ Categories and number of projects required for participation RHP level and provider level Different for urban and rural ◦ DSRIP participation requirement – relationship to UC payments Plan modification Partial payment policy Carry forward policy 6
Outstanding issues ◦ DY1 and after DSRIP allocation Between regions Between providers within a region ◦ Allocation between UC and DSRIP State, RHP, and provider level ◦ DSRIP requirements to participate in the UC pool ◦ Project categories required for DSRIP participation ◦ Funding allocation between DSRIP categories ◦ Project pricing Process for comments 7
UC tool ◦ Submit to CMS by June 15 ◦ Once approved – 3 months to first payment IGT funding issues 8
June 15 ◦ Finalize UC and IGT numbers for Region 10 June 30 ◦ Finalize DSRIP pricing strategy ◦ Plan for 2012 DSRIP September 1 ◦ RHP plan due to HHSC ◦ UC tools submitted 9
October 31 ◦ RHP plan to CMS ◦ Begin processing DSRIP DY1 payments ◦ Tentative receipt of UC funding February 1 ◦ Expected approval of plans from CMS 10
Get UC and IGT numbers to JPS Comments to HHSC on funding and mechanics protocol Continue to monitor and impact waiver issues with HHSC and CMS 11
RHP for comments on funding and mechanics protocol ◦ JPS waiver website ◦ Deb Anderson ◦ ◦ Brian Roers ◦ ◦