Courtney Mills
ESEA (Formerly AYP) Federal Accountability August 0 – 100, A – F One per school (includes a breakdown by grade band) Two Components: ◦ Test Participation (95%) ◦ Test Performance Third Component for High Schools: ◦ On-time Graduation Rate Report Cards State Accountability November Excellent, Good, etc. One per grade band ESEA data & more: ◦ Absolute Rating ◦ Growth Rating ◦ Comparison to other schools ◦ Teacher data ◦ Principal data ◦ Narrative ◦ Satisfaction Survey
New schools DO receive a report card after the first year of operation. Schools earn an ABSOLUTE rating and a GROWTH rating for each grade band (elementary, middle, and high): ◦ Excellent, Good, Average, Below Average, At-Risk Basis for Ratings: ◦ High schools – HSAP & EOC performance, on-time and 5- year graduation rates ◦ Elementary and Middle schools: PASS & EOC performance ◦ Primary schools: other criteria such as prime instructional time, student-teacher ratio, etc.
Under AYP: Percent Proficient Yes or No Equal weighting ELA & Math Attendance rate used Met or Not Met Under Waiver: Mean of all scores Partial credit Adjusted weights Four core subjects Attendance not used A, B, C, D, F
AMO = Annual Measurable Objective 1 = Met AMO = Did not meet AMO but improved over previous year 0 = Did not meet AMO & did not improve 2014 AMOsElemMidHigh ELA Math Science Soc Stud Grad RateN/A ~75.1
Weightings ELA Performance: 35% (Elem/MS), 22.5% (HS) Math Performance: 35% (Elem/MS), 22.5% (HS) *Science Performance: 5% *Social Studies Performance: 5% ELA Participation: 10% (Elem/MS), 7.5% (HS) Math Participation: 10% (Elem/MS), 7.5% (HS) *Graduation Rate: 30% (HS) *High school calculations use the previous year’s results for EOC performance and graduation rate.
Grade Conversions A = B = C = D = F = Below 60 Potential changes to the Charter School Law may automatically close schools that earn an F for three consecutive years.
Test Participation o If a student is enrolled on the first day of testing, he or she MUST take the test o The goal is 95% participation overall and in every subgroup (gender, ethnicity, etc.) o Applies to PASS and HSAP Test Performance o PASS & HSAP: Students’ scores only count if they are enrolled continuously from the 45 th day through the first day of testing o HSAP: Only students in the 2 nd year cohort count o EOC: Every score counts
All students Male Female White African American Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Disabled Limited English Proficiency Subsidized meals
Report Cards ◦ All students & any subgroup >= 10 ESEA ◦ Performance & Participation >= 30* ◦ Graduation rate subgroups >= 10 ◦ Grad rate “all students” >= 1 * Subgroup size is determined by school, not by grade span or by test subject area. In some instances data will be reported for subgroups between 10 and 30 students.
o 9GR is the code which identifies the year a student FIRST entered the 9 th grade ◦ , 9GR = 12 ◦ , 9GR = 13 ◦ , 9GR = 14 o You must have evidence to show when the student was in 8 th grade ◦ Report Card, Letter from MS Principal, or SUNS History o Implications for HSAP participation and graduation rates
PowerSchool School Leaders Testing Coordinators Special Education Coordinators Other Staff
Report Cards Accountability Manual: 13%20Accountability%20Manual/Accountability%20Manual% %20Final.pdf ESEA Technical Manual:
Courtney Mills